Watch this video: “Cultural Diversity Examples: Avoid Stereotypes while Communicating” After you have completed watching the video answer the following questions in a minimum of 150 words: 1.Was the man in the video using active listening? Why or why not? 2.According to your textbook, what was the man doing in his assumptions about the woman? 3.Have you experienced a similar experience in your life? If so, provide a brief description of what happened and the outcome. If not, then share with the class what you learned from this activity.
Expert Answer
1) The man in the video was actually using active listening. Because he wants to know from where exactly the women belonged to. He wants to know her ancestral roots and her culture. Hence he was actively listening to what she has to say. Using Active listening means, mindfully hearing and attempting to comprehend the meaning of what the other person is speaking in a conversation. Here, in this video, the man is trying to comprehend the women’s cultural background.
2) The man was actually trying to analyze that the women is not American through her looks, yet she speaks good English in the right accent. His assumptions are based on her appearance, so he is actually trying to be a racist with the women.
3) Quote your personal experience.