Using division method for a hash function h and a hash table of size m,
store your data of student ID’s (n= 20) in an array of records not sorted.
h (k) = k mod m
m : A prime number between 2**4 < m < 2**5 and not too close
to the power of 2 (e.g. 23)
Read 20 6-digit student ID’s from array of records
And mapped them to hash table using linear probing
Print out hash table
Do minimum two searches – one with ID found and the other one with ID not found
Expert Answer
#include<stdio.h>//include header files
int a[30],m,elecount,size;//DECLARE GLOBAL VARIBALE
int main() //main program
int ele,i,ch; //declare local varibales
void insert(int); // declare insert function
void search(int); //declare search function
printf(“enter value of m it is in between 16 and 32 and it must be a prime numbern”);
scanf(“%d”,&m); //read m value
printf(“enter no of array elements it must be less than 30n”);
scanf(“%d”,&size); //read number of elements
printf(“nMENUn1. INSERT n2. SEARCHn3. DISPLAYn 4.EXIT n”); //display the menu
printf(“enter one choicen”);
scanf(“%d”,&ch); //select your option
switch(ch) //switch sataement to select your option
case 1: for(i=0;i<size;i++) //repeat loop for number of elements time
printf(“enter element to be insertn”); //read element
scanf(“%d”,&ele); //insert at appropriate position through function call
case 2: printf(“enter element to searchn”); // identfy search element
search(ele); //search element in the function
case 3: printf(“Hash table data is n”); //display hash table data
printf(“%d = %dn”,i,a[i]);
}while(ch!=4);//exit from menu and main program
void search(int key) //search function defination
int pos,flag=0,count=0; //count is to count no of elements
if(elecount==0) //represents no of elements in the array
printf(“There is no elements in the hashtable”);
pos=key%m; //indentify the pos using division method
while((a[pos]!=key)&&(count!=size)) //repeat loop until identify the position and end of the table
pos=(pos+1)%m; //indentify the pos using division lenear probing method
if(a[pos]==key) //elment found case
printf(“element found at loc %d “,pos);
if(flag==0) //elment not found case
printf(“element not found”);
void insert(int key) //defination to insert element
int pos; //check hash table full condition
printf(“array is full”);
pos = key % m; //indentify the pos using division method
pos=(pos+1)%m;//indentify the pos using division lenear probing method