This programming projects asks you to develop a hangman game which has the following characteristics: IN C++
1. It is driven by a while loop from main that allows the user to play the game as many times as they wish.
2. Validates ALL user input. (each character input for the word guess must be an alpha, ‘a’ is the same as ‘A’, all blank spaces ignored, ‘y’ = ‘Y’ = ‘ y ‘, etc)
3. A list of at least 20 words for the game are kept in a file that is read in at the time the program starts. These words are then stored in an array. Use a random number generator to access into the array to select the secret word. Don’t repeat words during one run of the program. (What type of C++ structure would best hold this? Parallel arrays? An array of structures?)
4. Once each game begins, show the gallows, and indicate the number of characters in the word, like this:
____________ Word : _ _ _ _ _ _ _
That’s just a suggestion as to how it may look. Actually, I am sure that you can do better than that.
For each wrong guess, draw a body part on the gallows and show it in a list of incorrect guesses. For each correct guess, fill in one of the blanks in the word.
| ( )
____________ Word : a _ _ _ _ _ Incorrect guesses: p
(this pictures shows 1 wrong guess and 1 correct guess).
5. The maximum number of moves before the person is hung would be 8 or 9, depending on your ability to draw head, neck, body, 2 legs, 2 arms…when the man is hung, the game is over. Or, the game is over when the user correctly guesses each letter in the word.
6. This program must have good modular design – using proper functions.
7. Pseudocode is absolutely required and I hope that you might even use it to design the code.
Expert Answer
Solution: See the code below:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char choice = ‘y’; //choice whether to continue or not
string wordlist_path = “./”; //path to file containing words. change it accordingly.
string wordlist_filename = “wordlist.txt”; //name of file containing words. change it accordingly.
string path = wordlist_path + wordlist_filename; //full path to file
ifstream infile(path.c_str()); //handle for file
//check if file can be opened or read.
if (!infile) {
cerr << “Error! Cannot open or read file. Aborting…” << endl;
string *words; //array to store words
int num_words; //number of words in file
//count words in file
num_words = count(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(infile),
std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), ‘n’) + 1;
words = new string[num_words]; //allocate array for words
string line;
//set file stream again to first line
infile.seekg(0, ios::beg);
int i = 0; //counter variable
//read words into array from file
while (getline(infile, line)) {
words[i] = line;
string secret_word = “”; //secret word
int secret_word_index; //location of secret word in array
//loop to play hangman game
while (choice == ‘y’) {
secret_word_index = (int) (rand() % num_words + 1); //generate a random number
secret_word = words[secret_word_index]; //set secret word
int chars_to_guess = strlen(secret_word.c_str()); //number of character to guess
//display gallows
cout << “t___________” << endl;
cout << “t|” << endl;
cout << “t|” << endl;
cout << “t|” << endl;
cout << “_______________” << endl;
cout << “Word:”;
for (int i = 1; i <= chars_to_guess; i++) {
cout << ” _ “;
cout << endl;
int max_tries = 8; //maximum number of tries
char guess;
int position_to_guess = 0;
int num_incorrect_guess = 0;
char *guessed_chars = new char[chars_to_guess];
//loop to perform guesses
for (int i = 1; i <= max_tries; i++) {
//if all characters guessed properly
if (chars_to_guess == 0) {
cout << “Bravo! You guessed the word correctly.” << endl;
//Enter character to guess
cout << “Enter a char:”;
cin >> guess;
//check character being guessed
if (guess == {
//display latest status
guessed_chars[position_to_guess] = guess;
for (int i = 0; i <= position_to_guess; i++) {
cout << guessed_chars[i] << ” “;
for (int i = 1; i <= chars_to_guess; i++) {
cout << ” _ “;
cout << endl;
} else //if guessed incorrectly
cout << “Incorrect guess:” << guess << endl;
//display state of gallows
if (num_incorrect_guess == max_tries) {
cout << “Limit reached!” << endl;
cout << “t___________” << endl;
for (int i = 1; i <= num_incorrect_guess; i++) {
cout << “t|()” << endl;
cout << “t|” << endl;
cout << “t|” << endl;
cout << “_______________” << endl;
cout << “Do you wish to continue?(y/n)”;
cin >> choice;
infile.close(); //closes file
delete words; //delete words array
return 0;
Sample wordlist:
Word: _ _ _ _ _ _
Enter a char:m
m _ _ _ _ _
Enter a char:o
m o _ _ _ _
Enter a char:t
m o t _ _ _
Enter a char:e
Incorrect guess:e
Enter a char:h
m o t h _ _
Enter a char:r
Incorrect guess:r
Enter a char:e
m o t h e _
Enter a char:r
m o t h e r
Bravo! You guessed the word correctly.
Do you wish to continue?(y/n)n