Question & Answer: THIS IS FINAL COURSE ASSIGNMENT, FOLLOWING EVERY SINGLE REQUIREMENT IS CRUCIAL! Hello, please help write TIC-TAC-TOE game in JAVA, where a human plays against the computer……

Hello, please help write TIC-TAC-TOE game in JAVA, where a human plays against the computer.

1) The program prompts user for name and ensures (validates) it; user is allowed to enter a single username consisting of alpha chars ONLY.
2) Use one-dimensional arrays to keep track of the game and computer.
3) Use functions to pass arrays and implement other program requirements such as input validation, checking to ensure that places selected by users are available on the “game board”.
4) Validate user input at every opportunity:
   Do not allow number entries less than 0 or entries greater than 8 (in the case you are using numbers 0-8 on the “grid”.
•   Do not allow number entries less than 0 or entries greater than 8 (in the case you are using numbers 1-9 on the “grid”.
 Do not allow non-numeric entries.
 Program must NOT crashes due to an invalid entry made by the user.
5) The program must be developed using functions so that the main() function consists mostly of function calls.
6) Below is a list of functions to use in the development of this project:
 splashScreen() //displays game and developer’s information
 askForUserNames() //requests for username
•   validateUserName() //validate username
•   resetGame() //reset the game when one concludes; this includes filling the array with vales 0-8
•   displayGrid() //display the grid after each player makes a move
 playerMakeMove() //prompts player to make a move, invokes validatePlayersMove, checkPositionAvailability
•   validatePlayersMove() //validates that user entry X is such that 0<=X<=8
•   checkPositionAvailability() //check that the position selected by the user is available
 checkWin()   //check for a winning player
 checkTie()   //check for a tie
 makeBestMove()   //select best option for computer
 computerMakeMove()   //used to make the move, in other words populate the array
7) The main() function must use a loop to keep the user in the program until he/she wants to quit. Users should be allowed to play as many games as they want.
8) Meaningful variable names must be used.
9) Program must determine if a tie occurs
10) Program must detect a winner if there is one
11) Please use variables of the correct type and initialize them with a proper value.
12) Code SHOULD be properly commented


TIC TAC TOE****** By Prof. Flores Press any key to continue

On the grid “H” stands for human move, “C” for computer move

Expert Answer

import java.util.Scanner; // Needed for Scanner class
import java.util.Random;

public class TicTacToe
public static void main (String [] args)

public static void splashScreen()//displays game and developer’s information
String userInput;
char proceed = ‘y’;

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

System.out.println(“******           ******”);
System.out.println(“******TIC TAC TOE******”);
System.out.println(“******           ******”);
System.out.println(“******           ******”);
System.out.println(“******           ******”);

System.out.println(“y/Y to continue, any other char to exitn”);
userInput = keyboard.nextLine();

int userAnswerLength = userInput.length();

if(userAnswerLength == 0)//so if userInput is <ENTER> it closes and does not crash

proceed = userInput.charAt(0);

if(!(proceed == ‘y’ || proceed == ‘Y’))// so that if anything besides y/Y closes

for (int counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++)

}//end splashScreen

public static void switchPlayer()//switch from one player to another
//most of the methods will be called here
char [] myArray = {‘0′,’1′,’2′,’3′,’4′,’5′,’6′,’7′,’8’}; //make a class
String userInput;
char quitOrContinue = ‘y’;
int userChoice;
boolean computerBlocked = false;
boolean Win = false;
boolean Tie = false;
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

int numberOfPlays = 0;
while(quitOrContinue == ‘y’)
while (numberOfPlays < 9)

if (numberOfPlays % 2 == 0)
Win = checkWin(myArray);
Tie = checkTie(numberOfPlays);
if (Win == true)
Tie = false;
if (Win == true || Tie == true)
numberOfPlays = 12;


System.out.println(“nIt’s the computer’s turnn “);
computerBlocked = computerBlock(myArray);
if(computerBlocked == false)
Win = checkWin(myArray);
Tie = checkTie(numberOfPlays);
if (Win == true)
Tie = false;

if (Win == true || Tie == true)
numberOfPlays = 12;



}//end while loop
System.out.println (“Play again? Y/ynAnything else will quit.n”);
userInput = keyboard.nextLine();
quitOrContinue = userInput.charAt(0);

if(!(quitOrContinue == ‘y’ || quitOrContinue== ‘Y’))
numberOfPlays = 0;
}//end outer while loop

}//end switchPlayer

public static void resetGame(char[] myArray)//resets the game when one concludes;this includes filling the array with values 0-8
myArray[0] = ‘0’;
myArray[1] = ‘1’;
myArray[2] = ‘2’;
myArray[3] = ‘3’;
myArray[4] = ‘4’;
myArray[5] = ‘5’;
myArray[6] = ‘6’;
myArray[7] = ‘7’;
myArray[8] = ‘8’;

}//end resetGame

public static void displayGrid(char [] myArray)//diplay the game after each player makes a move

System.out.print (“|” + myArray[0]);
System.out.print (“|” + myArray[1]);
System.out.println (“|” + myArray[2] + “|”);
System.out.print (“|” + myArray[3]);
System.out.print (“|” + myArray[4]);
System.out.println (“|” + myArray[5] + “|”);
System.out.print (“|” + myArray[6]);
System.out.print (“|” + myArray[7]);
System.out.print (“|” + myArray[8] + “|”);
}//end fisplayGrid

public static void playerMakeMove(char[] myArray)//prompts player to make a move, invokes validatePlayersMove, checkPositionAvailability
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
String userInput;
int userChoice;

System.out.println(“nIt’s your turn.n “);
userInput = keyboard.nextLine();

userInput = validatePlayersMove(userInput); //validate userInput
userChoice = Integer.parseInt(userInput); //parse to integer
userChoice = checkPositionAvailability(userChoice, myArray);//check for availablity
myArray[userChoice] = ‘H’;//take spot
}//end playerMakeMove

public static String validatePlayersMove(String userInput)//validates that user entry X is such as that 0<=X<=8
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (;

while (!userInput.equals(“0”) && !userInput.equals(“1”)
&& !userInput.equals(“2”) && !userInput.equals(“3”)
&& !userInput.equals(“4”) && !userInput.equals(“5”)
&& !userInput.equals(“6”) && !userInput.equals(“7”)
&& !userInput.equals(“8”))
System.out.println (“That is an invalid entry. Try againn”);
userInput = keyboard.nextLine();
return userInput;

}//end validatePlayersMove

public static Integer checkPositionAvailability(int userChoice, char [] myArray)//check that the position selected by the user is available
String userAnswer;

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (;

while (userChoice != myArray[userChoice] – ‘0’)
System.out.println (“That spot is taken. Try Againn”);
userAnswer = keyboard.nextLine();
userAnswer = validatePlayersMove(userAnswer);
userChoice = Integer.parseInt(userAnswer);

return userChoice;
}//end checkPostionAvailability

public static boolean checkWin(char [] myArray)//check for a winning player
boolean Win = false;

if (myArray [0] == myArray[1]
&& myArray [1] == myArray [2]
&& myArray [2] == ‘C’)//row 1
System.out.println (“Computer Wins.n”);
Win = true;

if (myArray [0] == myArray[1]
&& myArray [1] == myArray [2]
&& myArray [2] == ‘H’)//row 1
System.out.println (“You Win.n”);
Win = true;

if (myArray [3] == myArray[4]
&& myArray [4] == myArray [5]
&& myArray [5] == ‘C’)//row 2
System.out.println (“Computer Wins.n”);
Win = true;

if (myArray [3] == myArray[4]
&& myArray [4] == myArray [5]
&& myArray [5] == ‘H’)//row 2
System.out.println (“You Win.n”);
Win = true;

if (myArray [6] == myArray[7]
&& myArray [7] == myArray [8]
&& myArray [8] == ‘C’)//row 3
System.out.println (“Computer Wins.n”);
Win = true;

if (myArray [6] == myArray[7]
&& myArray [7] == myArray [8]
&& myArray [8] == ‘H’)//row 3
System.out.println (“You Win.n”);
Win = true;

if (myArray [0] == myArray[3]
&& myArray [3] == myArray [6]
&& myArray [6] == ‘C’)//coulmn 1
System.out.println (“Computer Wins.n”);
Win = true;

if (myArray [0] == myArray[3]
&& myArray [3] == myArray [6]
&& myArray [6] == ‘H’)//coulmn 1
System.out.println (“You Win.n”);
Win = true;

if (myArray [1] == myArray[4]
&& myArray [4] == myArray [7]
&& myArray [7] == ‘C’)//column 2
System.out.println (“Computer Wins.n”);
Win = true;

if (myArray [1] == myArray[4]
&& myArray [4] == myArray [7]
&& myArray [7] == ‘H’)//column 2
System.out.println (“You Win.n”);
Win = true;

if (myArray [2] == myArray[5]
&& myArray [5] == myArray [8]
&& myArray [8] == ‘C’)//column 3
System.out.println (“Computer Wins.n”);
Win = true;

if (myArray [2] == myArray[5]
&& myArray [5] == myArray [8]
&& myArray [8] == ‘H’)//column 3
System.out.println (“You Win.n”);
Win = true;

if (myArray [0] == myArray[4]
&& myArray [4] == myArray [8]
&& myArray [8] == ‘C’)//diagonal 1
System.out.println (“Computer Wins.n”);
Win = true;

if (myArray [0] == myArray[4]
&& myArray [4] == myArray [8]
&& myArray [8] == ‘H’)//diagonal 1
System.out.println (“You Win.n”);
Win = true;

if (myArray [2] == myArray[6]
&& myArray [6] == myArray [4]
&& myArray [4] == ‘C’)//diagonal 2
System.out.println (“Computer Wins.n”);
Win = true;

if (myArray [2] == myArray[6]
&& myArray [6] == myArray [4]
&& myArray [4] == ‘H’)//diagonal 2
System.out.println (“You Win.n”);
Win = true;

return Win;

}//end checkWin

public static boolean checkTie(int numberOfPlays)//check for a Tie
boolean Tie = false;
System.out.println (“Number of plays = ” + numberOfPlays + “n”);
if (numberOfPlays == 8)
System.out.println(“It’s a tie.n”);
Tie = true;

return Tie;

}//end checkTie

public static void makeBestMove(char [] myArray)//select best option
Random someRandomInt = new Random();
boolean random = false;
while (random == false)
int number = (someRandomInt.nextInt(8)) + 1;
System.out.println(number);//to know what number is picked by the Computer
if (myArray [number] != ‘C’ && myArray [number] != ‘H’)
myArray[number] = ‘C’;
random = true;

}//end makeBestMove

public static boolean computerBlock(char [] myArray)//used to make the move, in other words populate the array
boolean computerBlocked = false;

//row 1 (–0–1–2–)

if (myArray[1] == myArray[2]
&& myArray[1] == ‘H’ && myArray[0] == ‘0’)
myArray[0] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[0] == myArray[2]
&& myArray[0] == ‘H’ && myArray[1] == ‘1’)
myArray[1] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[0] == myArray[1]
&& myArray[1] == ‘H’ && myArray[2] == ‘2’)
myArray[2] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;
//end row 1

//row 2 (–3–4–5–)
else if (myArray[3] == myArray[4]
&& myArray[3] == ‘H’ && myArray[5] == ‘5’)
myArray[5] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[3] == myArray[5]
&& myArray[3] == ‘H’ && myArray[4] == ‘4’)
myArray[4] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[4] == myArray[5]
&& myArray[4] == ‘H’ && myArray[3] == ‘3’)
myArray[3] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;
//end row 1

//row 3 (–6–7–8–)
else if (myArray[6] == myArray[7]
&& myArray[6] == ‘H’ && myArray[8] == ‘8’)
myArray[8] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[6] == myArray[8]
&& myArray[6] == ‘H’ && myArray[7] == ‘7’)
myArray[7] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[7] == myArray[8]
&& myArray[7] == ‘H’ && myArray[6] == ‘6’)
myArray[6] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;
//end row 3

//column 1 (–0–3–6–)
else if (myArray[0] == myArray[3]
&& myArray[0] == ‘H’ && myArray[6] == ‘6’)
myArray[6] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[0] == myArray[6]
&& myArray[6] == ‘H’ && myArray[3] == ‘3’)
myArray[3] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[3] == myArray[6]
&& myArray[3] == ‘H’ && myArray[0] == ‘0’)
myArray[0] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;
//column 1

//column 2 (–1–4–7–)
else if (myArray[1] == myArray[4]
&& myArray[1] == ‘H’ && myArray[7] == ‘7’)
myArray[7] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[1] == myArray[7]
&& myArray[1] == ‘H’ && myArray[4] == ‘4’)
myArray[4] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[4] == myArray[7]
&& myArray[4] == ‘H’ && myArray[1] == ‘1’)
myArray[1] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;
//column 2

//column 3 (–2–5–8–)
else if (myArray[2] == myArray[5]
&& myArray[2] == ‘H’ && myArray[8] == ‘8’)
myArray[8] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[2] == myArray[8]
&& myArray[2] == ‘H’ && myArray[5] == ‘5’)
myArray[5] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[5] == myArray[8]
&& myArray[5] == ‘H’ && myArray[2] == ‘2’)
myArray[2] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;
//column 3

//diagonal 1 (–0–4–8–)
else if (myArray[0] == myArray[4]
&& myArray[4] == ‘H’ && myArray[8] == ‘8’)
myArray[8] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[0] == myArray[8]
&& myArray[8] == ‘H’ && myArray[4] == ‘4’)
myArray[4] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[8] == myArray[4]
&& myArray[4] == ‘H’ && myArray[0] == ‘0’)
myArray[0] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;
//diagonal 1

//diagonal 2 (–2–4–6–)
else if (myArray[2] == myArray[4]
&& myArray[4] == ‘H’ && myArray[6] == ‘6’)
myArray[6] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[2] == myArray[6]
&& myArray[6] == ‘H’ && myArray[4] == ‘4’)
myArray[4] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;

else if (myArray[4] == myArray[6]
&& myArray[6] == ‘H’ && myArray[2] == ‘2’)
myArray[2] = ‘C’;
computerBlocked = true;
//diagonal 2

return computerBlocked;
}//end computerMakeMove



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