The scatter plot shows the years of experience and hourly pay rate for each of 25 cashiers in Texas. Also shown is the line of best fit for the data. Fill in the blanks below. (a) For these 25 cashiers, as experiences increases, pay tends to (b) For these 25 cashiers, there is correlation between experiences and pay. (c) Using the line of best fit, we would that a cashier with 7 years of experiences would make approximately dollars per hour.
Expert Answer
approx best fit:
y intercept:
slope –> 0 ,7 ; 18, 16
m = (16-7)/(18-0) = 0.5
y = 0.5*x+7
find the pay rate at t = 10 years
y = 0.5*(10)+7
y = 12 USD approx