Write the defn of the function, nodecount, that returns the number of nodes in the binary tree. Add this function to the class binary tree type and create a program to test this function. Write the defn of the function leavescount, that takes as a parameter a pointer to the root node of a binary tree and returns the number of leaves in a binary tree. Add this function to the class binary tree type and create a program to test this function. Write a function, Swapsubtrees, that swaps all of the left and right subtrees of a binary tree type and create a program to test the function.
Expert Answer
Let the node structure be
Struct Node {
T data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
int countLeafNodes(Node *root) {
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
return countNode(root->right) + countNode(root->left) + 1;
int countLeafNodes(Node *root) {
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
if(root -> right == NULL && root->left == NULL)
return 1;
return countLeafNode(root->right) + countLeafNode(root->left);
void swapLR(Node *root) {
if (root == NULL)
Node* tmpTree = root->left;
root->left = root->right;
root->right = tmpTree;
I cannot provide you the test code since the class description is missing 🙁