Question & Answer: Shown below is the current monthly income statement of Metro Video, by profit centers: METRO VIDEO Income Statement…..

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Shown below is the current monthly income statement of Metro Video, by profit centers: METRO VIDEO Income Statement by Profit Centers For the Month Ended April 30, 20 ents Metro Video Video Rentals Dollars Equipment Sales 100 29 Dollars Dollars S280 100 S560,000 268,800 S291,200 Sales 100 $280,000 ariable Costs ontribution margin 48 52S 81,20 198,80 $210,000 75 Fixed costs traceable o departments epartments ommon fixed costs 67.200 42.000 40 S56,0 20$168,000 60 nsibility margins S224,000 61,600 S162,400 29 erations On the basis of this information, compute the increase in monthly income from operations that may be expected to result from each of the following actions: (a) Spending S5,000 per month in advertising is expected to increase sales in the Equipment Sales Department by 35%. $ (b) Closing the Equipment Sales Department and allowing the Video Rentals Department to expand is expected to increase the revenue of the Video Rentals Department by S105,000 per month. This action also is expected to increase fixed costs traceable to the Video Rentals Department by $40,000 per month. S

Shown below is the current monthly income statement of Metro Video, by profit centers: METRO VIDEO Income Statement by Profit Centers For the Month Ended April 30, 20 __ On the basis of this information, compute the increase in monthly income from operations that may be expected to result from each of the following actions: (a) Spending $5,000 per month in advertising is expected to increase sales in the Equipment Sales Department by 35%. $ _________ (b) Closing the Equipment Sales Department and allowing the Video Rentals Department to expand is expected to increase the revenue of the Video Rentals Department by S105,000 per month. This action also is expected to increase fixed costs traceable to the Video Rentals Department by $40,000 per month. $ ________

Expert Answer


Statementshowing Computations
Paticulars Amount
Sales of equipment deptt       280,000.00
Contribution margin         81,200.00
CM Ratio = 81200/280000 29.00%
Increase in Sales = 280000 * .35         98,000.00
Contribution fromincreased sales= 98000 *.29         28,420.00
Less advertising costs           5,000.00
Increase in income         23,420.00
b) Sales Depp Video Rental Deptt
Sales       280,000.00                   280,000.00
Contribution margin         81,200.00                   210,000.00
CM Ratio 29.00% 75.00%
Increase in sales of video deptt       105,000.00
Contribution fro video deptt= 105000 * .75         78,750.00
Contribution lost of Equipment Sales deptt       (81,200.00)
Savings of FC of Equipment Deptt         25,200.00
Extra FC incurred in Video deptt       (40,000.00)
Net income (Loss) = 78750 + 25200 – 81200 -40000       (17,250.00)
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