Question & Answer: Scenario: The company is considering expanding into the global market. As a result, the management…..

Scenario: The company is considering expanding into the global market. As a result, the management team is analyzing the current strategic objectives, the organization’s structure and looking at how this change may affect any or all of these areas.

Instructions: Generate two power point presentation slides for each topic below including detailed speaker notes.

Power Point Discussion Topics:

Examine the current strategic-objectives of the organization (Starbucks Expansion in Asia-Pacific Region).

Determine the key components of change management strategy for the restructuring (Starbucks Expansion in Asia-Pacific Region).

Expert Answer


OBJECTIVE…….Team a will described the relationship between strategic and financial planning. The will described a strategic planning initiative for Starbucks and identified an initiative discussed within the organization annual reported. They will also, described how to initiative affected Starbucks financial planning affected cost and affected sales,

Strategic planning is defined as a discipline effort to produced fundamental decision and action that shape and guidewhat an organization is, what is does, and why it does it.

Strategy planning is the why it does it.and why that drives Starbucks as a successful corporation.


1).getting personal with customer…..once all the died a lot of regular customer actually loved the fact that the staff at their local Starbucks remembered their names.

2).adding value…if i have time between them, I’ll always make a beeling for a Starbucks because i know i can access the free wifi.

3)…cluster of coffee shop…this is very clever , because it create the impression in customer mind that they are everywhere and this omnipresence often both comples consumer to use the store.

4)..great word of mouth…word of mouth .recommodation are a conerstone of starbuck marketing stretegy.

5)..great offer….. The offer are usually focused around new product and done in a very engaging but understated way, which often make a customer feel like they are in on something that not everyone else know about.

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