Robert Gagne is quoted as suggesting that most practical and purposeful activities are learned in settings that employ instruction. Take the perspective of a Skinnerian behaviorist, an information processing theorist, and a constructivist. Argue for or against Gagne’s contention from each of these perspectives. How does instructional design differ from design research?
Expert Answer
The perspective of a Skinnerian behaviorist,an information processing theorist,and a contructivist.Argue for or againts Gagne’s contention from each of these perspectives and other behaviorists were becoming influential,proposing new forms of learning other than classical conditioning.Learning theories are so central to the discipline of psychology that it is impossible to separate the history of learning theories from the history of psychology.The ability to learn provides every living organism with the ability to adapt to a changing environment.Learning is an inevitable consequence of living if we could not lear,we would die.The evolution of learning theories may be thought of as a progression from board theories developed to explain the many ways that learning occurs to more specific theories that are limited in the types of learning they are designed to explain.
The instruction design is so different from design research the term instructonal design refers to the systematic and reflective process of translating principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials,activities,information resources,and evaluation whereas a term design refers to document and describes a learning activity in such a way that other teachers can understand it and use it in their own context.Typically a learning design is that which includes descriptions of learning tasks,supports and resources provided by the teacher.