Research a security certification as if you are a Web administrator. Your task is to define what would be an adequate certification for you, and why you would think it would benefit you to have the certification. Outline these thoughts in a memo to your supervisor.
Expert Answer
The best security certificate for the web administrator can be CISSP (Certified Infromation Systems Security Professional) Certificate. Its one of the essential certificate for web administrator.
Being a Web administrator its very important to know all the security rules and regulations related to web security. And all these rules and regulations can be understood clearly by doing a proper certification in the security area. Various other benefits of doing security certification is given below:
1) After being certified, you can clearly identify various security risk with in your organization.
3) After being cerified, you can identify various security loop holes with in the organization and can fill the security gaps before any malicious activity.
2) After being certified you can execute the below given security related steps in very effective mannar.
a) Identify: Here in this very step, ve identify the various resource, that we have look for the security issues. In the other way, we can say that, here in this step, we identify, what we need to protect or look for the security issues.
b) Asses: As in the first step various assets have been identified, so now in this step, we perform a security assessment on the resources as well as assets identified on the very first step. Here in this step we take care of various aspects of processes as well as of procedures to look for vulenrability as well as of security concerns. On the bases of the assessment, we derive the security issues as well as the security results, which tells about the security related issues of resource as well as of assets.
c) Protect: Here in this step, we work on the security issues found in the assessment step. Here we try to protect our procedures as well as the processes for security threats. We work on the security issure related results and try to protect and mitigate each and every resources involved in the process.
d) Monitor: After protecting the resources and the processes, we have to keep monitoring it, monitoring is required so that same process, procedure or the resource does not show the security concerns again.