QUESTION 25 An activation record stores O the command that allows a function to activate. an address for function. O where the function returns and its local variables and parameters. the record of how inherited classes relate to each other.
Expert Answer
Answer 1 : An activation store where the function returns and its local variables and parameters.
Description : An activation record is nothing but a stack frame where following value can be store. it is used while invoking function call in language like c or cpp etc.
1. Function return value
2. Parameters
3. local data
4. temporary data
Answer 2 : In order to write RPN calculator one needs to declare a single statck capable of holding the numbers.
Description :
i.e We can take on example to understand the above answer If i say we have expression for calculation like 1 + 2
then so first we need to convert this expression to post fix notation like 12+ .
Now we have one stack to store this post fix notation to store the number till the operator comes
like first number 1 will get inserted into stack then number 2 will get added in LIFO ( last in first out ) maner and when + will come for insertion then we will get the numbers back from statck and perform addition so 1 + 2 = 3 will be the result.