Show transcribed image textWrite the class specification of a class Phone containing: 1. A data member named model of type string (private). 2. A data member named partNumber of type string (private). 3. A data member named retailPrice of type double (private). 4. A default constructor that intializes model and partNumber to empty strings and retailPrice to O. 5. getter (accessor) functions that return the value of each of the data members 6. setter (mutator) functions to set each of the data members 7. Overloaded stream insertion operator (
Expert Answer
below i have written the class specification as per the requirement.
//header file declaration
//Namespace declaration
using namespace std;
//Phone class declration
class Phone
//private member variable
string model, partNumber;
double retailPrice;
//member variable initialize to default values
model = ” “;
partNumber = ” “;
retailPrice = 0;
//getter functions
string getmodel()
return model;
string getpartNUmber()
return partNumber;
double getretailPrice()
return retailPrice;
//setter functions
void setModel(string M)
model = M;
void setpartNumber(string P)
partNumber = P;
void setretailPrice(double RP)
retailPrice = RP;
cout<<“Model = “<<model<<” Part-NUmber = “<<partNumber<<” RetailPrice = “<<retailPrice<<endl;
//derived class declaration
class CameraPhone : public Phone
//private member variable declaration
int imageSize, memorySize;
//a parametarized constructor declration
CameraPhone(int x, int y)
imageSize = x;
memorySize = y;
//memebr function declration
int numPictures(int P)
return P;
//start of main function
int main()
//a variable declration
double price;
//CameraPhone class object declration
CameraPhone myPhone(2, 64);
//call to functions
myPhone.setModel(“Droid Maxx2”);
//ask for user input
cout<<“Enter Retail-Price: “;
return 0;
}//end of the main function