Question & Answer: One the purposes of marketing research is to determine the product demand…..

One the purposes of marketing research is to determine the product demand. What are the different kinds of marketing research used based on its purpose? Briefly make a differentiation of them.

Expert Answer

There are many types of Marketing research performed to obtain certain output:
Let us talk about Causal Research, Descriptive research, Exploratory research and Focus group research”

The Casual research is a type of market research to find out the probable output and its effect, where a hypo thesis is conceived to understand the effects of one item when changing its relative item. Similar to cause and effect concept, this reserach is conducted to see the impact of for example on a product when its packaging changes or if the theme is changed.

In, descriptive Research, it tries to find specific answers to questions created by marketing concept to explain and test the marketing hypothesis like what is the level of Brand penetration due to my latest advertisement campaigns etc.

In the exploratory Research, the objective is to explore unknown areas where marketers has no proper information and need to get information like a Traditional company wants to know how to enter social media marketing and wants to know the social media marketing technique used by their peers or competitors and its potential reach to its consumers.

In Focus group research , a group of people are given a particular topic to discuss and then observed to get their point of view on the focused topic, like talk, research and find if the Policy implemented by the marketing team to its vendors are well accepted and the improvement areas needed.

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