Question & Answer: oin the product and the Order Detail table so that the result contains the product name, product unit size, and product unit price as w…..

Join the product and the Order Detail table so that the result contains the product name, product unit size, and product unit price as well as the charged price. Do it for order 1000.

select Product.ProductName, Product.ProductUnitSize, Product.ProductunitPrice
from OrderDetail, Product
where OrderDetail.orderKey = 1000 and Product.ProductKey = OrderDetail.ProductKey

List all the order and order details for each order made by the customer with the phone number (206) 555-6623.

select CustomerOrder.OrderDate, CustomerOrder.OrderTime, CustomerOrder.CustomerPhoneKey, Product.ProductName, OrderDetail.OrderDetailQuantity, OrderDetail.OrderDetailPriceChanged
from CustomerOrder, OrderDetail, Product
where CustomerOrder.CustomerPhoneKey = ‘(206) 555-6623′
and CustomerOrder.OrderKey = OrderDetail.OrderDetailKey
and Product.ProductKey = OrderDetail.ProductKey

Change the price of breadsticks to 3.00.
update Product set ProductUnitPrice = 3.00 where ProductName=’Breadsticks’

Process a pizza order for a new customer. (This will involve 3 INSERT statements.)
Insert into Customer(‘(206) 555-1234’, ‘L1’, ‘A1’, ‘A2’, ‘C1’, ‘S1′, 93323);
Insert into CustomerOrder(1006, ’10/8/2017’, ‘2:15 PM’, ‘32432432432’, ‘btaylor’);
Insert into Order

INTO Customer(CustomerPhoneKey, CustomerLastName, CustomerAddress1, CustomerAddress2, CustomerCity, CustomerState, CustomerZip)

VALUES(‘20655533i3′,’Jones’,NULL, ‘1200 North Blvd.’,’Seattle’,’WA’,’98001′

Detail(11, 1006, ‘specialM’, 1, 16.25);

Complete practice question #2 at the end of chapter 8.
Develop a threat analysis for the pizza company database.

Complete practice question #3 at the end of chapter 8.
Create roles for the various types of users in the pizza database.

Expert Answer


Question & Answer: oin the product and the Order Detail table so that the result contains the product name, product unit size, and product unit price as w..... 1Question & Answer: oin the product and the Order Detail table so that the result contains the product name, product unit size, and product unit price as w..... 2Question & Answer: oin the product and the Order Detail table so that the result contains the product name, product unit size, and product unit price as w..... 3Question & Answer: oin the product and the Order Detail table so that the result contains the product name, product unit size, and product unit price as w..... 4

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