Mark was visiting the town of Little Rock, Arkansas and was involved in a 2 car accident. The other driver lives in Little Rock. If Mark were to sue the other driver, which state or states would have personal jurisdiction over the other driver and why?
Expert Answer
Ans: Ideally a plaintiff can produce the accused or defendant in the state in which the court resides. Defendant has to appear in the court voluntarily with his own wish.In this case Mark can sue the other driver in the state where court sits. And the driver has to appear in the court voluntarilly.
Territorial jurisdiction may restrict a court’s exposure. For example preventing a hearing of a case that happened in foreign territory between two citizens in a home jurisdiction. Territorial jurisdiction within US law means a court’s authority over events and over the people within the periphery of a particular geographical territory. In case the court does not have a territorial jurisdiction over a person or the event occured, the court cannot enforce the defendant to any kind of obligation.