Indicate whether each of the following molecules or ions would or would not be aromatic. Explain your answer in each instance.
Expert Answer
A molecule is aromatic if:
– It must be a PLANAR moelcule, i.e. 2-D; should not have a single sp3 hybridized carbon
– Must follow Huckel’s Rule, which state that the conjugated electrons must fit 4n+2 rule… that is
n (0,1,2,3,4…) then, total electrons E = (2, 6, 10, 14, 18…)
– Must be CYCLIC, so the electrons can actually flow in the “ring”
– Most of the species must be Sp2 hybridized (not sp3)
An antiaromatic species is similar to aromatic… it should only fail in:
– It must be a PLANAR moelcule, i.e. 2-D; should not have a single sp3 hybridized carbon
– Must NOT follow Huckel’s Rule, which state that the conjugated electrons must fit 4n+2 rule… that is
n (0,1,2,3,4…) then, total electrons E = (2, 6, 10, 14, 18…); if this is anti aromatic, the lone pairs should be all but those set of numbers…
– Must be CYCLIC, so the electrons can actually flow in the “ring”
– Most of the species must be Sp2 hybridized (not sp3)
Finally… NON–Aromatic are those that will fail at least other than huckels rule:
If this molecule is NOT 2-D, i.e. not planar, then this is antiaromatic
If this is not a cycle, then this is NOT aromatic
There is any SP or SP3 hybridized…
Knowing this:
this is cyclic, and 2-D
total electrons in conjugated system = 6 double bonds = 6×2 = 12 electrons
this does not fit hucke’s rule, therefore
This appears to be 2-Dimensional
but it is not, the central carbon is SP3 hybridized, therefore this is NONAROMATIC
This must be planar, and SP2 hybridized
total electrons in conjguated system = 3xdouble bonds + lone pair = 3*2 + 1*2 = 6+2 = 8
this does NOT fit huckels rule, therefore, ANTIAROMATIC
Planar, 2-D and sp2 hybridization
total double dbond s= 8; total electrons = 8*2 = 16
once again this fails huckel rule, so this must be antiaromatic
this is planar, due to the double bonds between both rings
lone pairs = none
doulbe bonds = 6; therefore conjguated system is 6×2 =12
this is antiaroamtic
double bonds = 6×2 = 12
triple bonds ( accounts for only 2 for cnojugated system) = 2
total electrons in system = 12+2 = 4
this applies and staisfies huckel rule
this is planar
therefore AROMATIC
ttal lone pairs = 1
doulbe bonds = 4
total e- = 1×2 + 4×2 = 10
this is then AROMATIC
this cant be aromatic, due to the CH2 present, i.e. SP3 hybridization