Question & Answer: I have the following code, but it has lots of errors. please fix, thanks. //Include libraries #include…..

I have the following code, but it has lots of errors. please fix, thanks.

//Include libraries
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;
//declare method
int tossCoin();
int rollDice();
int fact(int n);
int acesHand();
//declare variables
int diceSum, snakeEyes=0, num= 0, counter, tails = 0, heads= 0, choice= 0;
int n, fact1= 1;
//defining main method
int main()
//this will loop until the user quits
while (choice!=5)
cout<<Micro casino”<<endl;

//desplaying message
cout<<“1) Flip a coin”<<endl;
cout<<“2) Roll dice for snake-eyes”<<endl;
cout<<“3) Permutaion of number of aces”<<endl;
cout<<“4) Factorial”<<endl;
cout<<“5) Quit”<<endl;
cout<<“Enter your choice”<<endl;

//store the choice
//if the choice is 1
else if(choice==2)
else if(choice==3)
//call the method
//displaying the messege
cout<< “Enter a positive integer please: “;
//store the value
cin >> n;
int res = fact(n);
//displaying the messege
cout << “Factorial of ” << n << ” = ” << res<<endl;



//defining the method
int tossCoin()
cout<<“Enter a number “‘

for (counter =1; counter <= num; counter++)
//toss the coin
coin= rand () % 2;

//if the value is 0
if (coin == 0)
//update the count
tails = tails + 1;

//if value is 1
else if(coint ==1)
//update count
heads = heads +1;

//display new line
cout<<“Heads was tossed”<<heads<<“times”<<endl;
return rand () % 2;
int rollDice()
//declaring variables
int x;
cout<<“Enter a number”;

for(int i=0; i<x; i++)
//computing the value
int dice1 = (int)(1+rand()%6));
int dice2 = (int)(1+(rand()%6));
diceSum= dice1 + dice2;
//update count
snakeEyes= snakeEyes+1;
cout<<“Number of snake eyes”<<snakeEyes<<“out of”<<x<<“throws”<<endl;
return snakeEyes;

int fact(int n)
fact1= 1;
for (int i= 1; i<= n; ++i)
return fact1;

int acesHand()
int aces;
aces =1 + rand() % 7;
int u = fact(7);
int v = fact(7-aces);
int perm = u/v;
cout<<“Number of permutations is”<<perm<<endl;
return perm;


the instructions were:

Create a Micro casino that will either flip a coin, roll dice for snake-eyes, or do a permutation of number of aces.

tossCoin , will take a positive integer and flip the coin, count the number of heads and return the number of heads.

rollDice, will take a positive number, roll two dice (values from 2 to 12) and return the number of snake-eyes (value of 2).

factorial, take a positive number and return its factorial (there are several examples of factorial).

acesHand, given that you have 7 aces in your hand, how many ways can you select X number of aces from that hand (permutations, pass the X number to the function and X has to be in range of 1 to 7).

You need the random number generator for the tossCoin and rollDice.

For C++, include:

#include <iostream>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

Then in main as one of the first statements, set the seed like:


Note: you do the srand ONLY once! Then use the rand() to get the random number (can rand multiple times).

For Java, do:

import java.util.Random;

And in main, do:

Random randNums = newRandom();

Then to get a random number you do:

int rand = randomNums.nextInt(n);

Where n is an integer value to go from 0 to <n (like randomNums(6) give 0 to 5, NOT 6).

A sample run would look like:

Micro casino

1) flip a coin

2) roll dice for snake-eyes

3) permutation of number of aces

0) quit: 2

Number of snake-eyes 7 out of 101 throws

Micro casino

1) flip a coin

2) roll dice for snake-eyes

3) permutation of number of aces

0) quit:

Note: use a prime number (constant) as the number of tosses to pass to either flip a coin or roll dice for snake eyes.

Expert Answer



#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

//declare method
int tossCoin();
int rollDice();
int fact(int n);
int acesHand();

//declare variables
int diceSum, snakeEyes=0, num= 0, counter, tails = 0, heads= 0, choice= 0;
int n, fact1= 1;

//defining main method
int main()
//this will loop until the user quits
while (choice!=5)
cout << “Micro casino” << endl;

//desplaying message
cout << “1) Flip a coin” << endl;
cout << “2) Roll dice for snake-eyes” << endl;
cout << “3) Permutaion of number of aces” << endl;
cout << “4) Factorial” << endl;
cout << “5) Quit” << endl;
cout << “Enter your choice” << endl;

//store the choice
cin >> choice;
//if the choice is 1
else if(choice==2)
else if(choice==3)
//call the method
else if(choice==4)
//displaying the messege
cout<< “Enter a positive integer please: “;
//store the value
cin >> n;
int res = fact(n);
//displaying the messege
cout << “Factorial of ” << n << ” = ” << res<<endl;


//defining the method
int tossCoin()
int coin;
cout << “Enter a number: “;
cin >> num;

heads = 0;

for (counter =1; counter <= num; counter++)
//toss the coin
coin= rand () % 2;

//if the value is 0
if (coin == 0)
//update the count
tails = tails + 1;
//if value is 1
else if(coin ==1)
//update count
heads = heads +1;

//display new line
cout << endl;
cout << “Heads was tossed ” << heads << ” times out of ” << num << ” throws” << endl << endl;
return rand () % 2;

int rollDice()
//declaring variables
int x;
cout<<“Enter a number: “;

snakeEyes = 0;

for(int i=0; i<x; i++)
//computing the value
int dice1 = (int)(1+rand()%6);
int dice2 = (int)(1+rand()%6);
diceSum= dice1 + dice2;

//update count
snakeEyes= snakeEyes+1;

cout << “Number of snake eyes ” << snakeEyes << ” out of ” << x << ” throws.” << endl << endl;
return snakeEyes;

int fact(int n)
fact1= 1;
for (int i= 1; i<= n; ++i)
return fact1;

int acesHand()
int aces;
aces =1 + rand() % 7;
int u = fact(7);
int v = fact(7-aces);
int perm = u/v;
cout<<“Number of permutations is”<< perm<<endl;
return perm;


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