How does a systems view, help to decrease and eliminate problems like firefighting? (Constantly fixing problems in a business that never seem to go away is often referred to as firefighting.) Please explain and then engage each other.
Expert Answer
A system view helps management and leaders to view the organization as a system that consists of many subsystems as different department and functions. As a system, an organization cannot perform if one subsystem is suffering from any problem or issue. So, a system view makes managers to take a proactive approach and foresee the consequences of one action upon the different subsystems. Once the proactive approach is taken, the level and number of problems will come down gradually. It will make organization to work efficiently to achieve the overall goals.
Therefore a system view eliminates the firefighting approach that is basically reactive in nature. It resolve the problems, but it never focuses upon the root cause of the problems. So, the problems never go away. It is well taken care of in system view due to its proactive and holistic view of the organization as a system.