Question & Answer: Hello can you please help me with my digital forensics lab questions. ALSO CAN YOU PROV…..

Hello can you please help me with my digital forensics lab questions. ALSO CAN YOU PROVIDE SCREENSHOTS ON REGISTRYVIEWER TO SHOW THE ANSWER PLEASE!!!

1. The ntuser.dat file contains information on which of the following? (choose all that apply.):

a. Drive letter designations

b. Personalized desktop settings

c. PID key

d. MRU devices.

2. Password decryption tools often need which of the following to retrieve user passwords? (choose all that apply.)

a. SYSTEM hive

b. SAM hive

c. ntuser.dat file

d. Enum folder

3. The ntuser.dat file is in which of the following paths?

a. C:/Windows/System32/Config

b. C:/Documents and Settings/Users

c. C:/Users/username


** please make sure you include screenshots in your answers! Thanks very much

Expert Answer


1) answer: Personaized Desktop settings

Question & Answer: Hello can you please help me with my digital forensics lab questions. ALSO CAN YOU PROV..... 1

2 ) Answer:   System Hive :

Question & Answer: Hello can you please help me with my digital forensics lab questions. ALSO CAN YOU PROV..... 2

3) Answer:   C:/Users/username

Question & Answer: Hello can you please help me with my digital forensics lab questions. ALSO CAN YOU PROV..... 3

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