Expert Answer
iii. For Genovation Incorporated the long term human resource plan should be developed to address the following possible concerns – deployment, dissemination of knowledge and innovation and identification and development of talent on a local basis in Malaysia. The plan should address the need to getting the right skills in Malaysia after a period of five years when the expatriates will be phased out. Another concern that will have to be addressed is ensuring that knowledge as well as practices are spread throughout the organization, irrespective of the fact whether the factories are in Britain or in Malaysia. Lastly the long term plan will look to identify and then develop talent on a local basis in Malaysia.
The long term HR plan will have to take into considerations the differences in cultural factors, economic factors, labor cost factors and economic factors between Britain and Malaysia.
The long term HR plan should have the following components that should be looked into – candidate identification, assessment and selection, cost projections, compensation, benefits and tax programs, relocation assistance (if any) and support. The plan will also have to focus on the training and development of local employees. The Malaysian employees will have to be properly trained and oriented to better adjust and mould themselves as per the requirements of Genovation.