Question & Answer: Figuring out when change is not truly accepted is a tough job. Stakeholders may…..

Figuring out when change is not truly accepted is a tough job. Stakeholders may genuinely feel that they don’t have a choice.

What is malicious obedience? How does it potentially afffect organizational change?

Expert Answer

Changes are necessary for organizations to grow. But, figuring out when the change is not truly accepted is a tough job for the managers. But, stakeholders may feel genuine that they really don’t have a choice.

Malicious obedience is basically a tactic where an employee would follow the instructions of his or her manager strictly doing exactly what is asked no matter if the employee knows if that is not what is meant. Or in simpler words, you can refer this as a situation where an employee would hide the manager’s mistakes. This is usually a way by employees to make their manager bad and it is done in the hopes of failing of the project.

Now, when it comes to the organizational change, it is very important that managers are truly conveyed the story by their employees whether or not the change is required. Most of the changes would require a significant planning as well as cost. Malicious obedience might lead to failure once the organizational changes are implemented.

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