Customer relationship management is an essential element of a successful marketing strategy. It has many elements and principles that guide the marketer in building mutually beneficial relationships with the company’s customers.
Customer relationship management focuses on using SelectCreation of ValueInformationMarketing ResearchProfitabilitySustainItem 1 about customers to create marketing strategies that develop and SelectCreation of ValueInformationMarketing ResearchProfitabilitySustainItem 2 desirable customer relationships.
Profits can be obtained through relationships by enhancing the SelectCreation of ValueInformationMarketing ResearchProfitabilitySustainItem 3 of existing customers.
Buyers and marketers are able to enter into relationships wherein both can participate in the SelectCreation of ValueInformationMarketing ResearchProfitabilitySustainItem 4 .
Marketers are increasingly turning to SelectCreation of ValueInformationMarketing ResearchProfitabilitySustainItem 5 and information technology to build long-term relationships with the firm’s customers.
Expert Answer
Customer relationship management focuses on using Information about customers to create marketing strategies that develop and Sustain desirable customer relationships.
Profits can be obtained through relationships by enhancing the Profitability of existing customers.
Buyers and marketers are able to enter into relationships wherein both can participate in the Creation of Value
Marketers are increasingly turning to Marketing Research and information technology to build long-term relationships with the firm’s customers.