Create a C# (C SHARP) windows application program that allows the a manager to enter the employees Name (First and Last), Hourly Rate, Hours, Worked in the Pay Period. The user should be able to input this information for each employee.
The “Submit” button should calculate AND display the information and calculations for all employees entered into the program. The output displayed should provide the employees Name, Gross Pay, Net Pay, SS Withheld, Medicare, Withheld, State Income Tax Withheld, Federal Income Tax Withheld.
Use the following calculations.
Calculate Medicare at 1.45%.
Calculate Social Security at 6.2%.
If an employee makes between 0 and $500, the state tax rate is 2%, and the federal tax rate is 5%.
If an employee makes between $500 and $999.99, the state tax rate is 4%, and the federal tax rate is 10%.
If an employee makes between $1,000 and $1,499.99, the state tax rate is 6%, and the federal tax rate is 15%.
If an employee makes between $1,500 and $1,999.99, the state tax rate is 6%, and the federal tax rate is 20%.
If an employee makes between $2,000 and $2,999.99, the state tax rate is 6%, and the federal tax rate is 25%.
If an employee makes more than $3,000, the state tax rate is 6%, and the federal tax rate is 30%.
Using C# (C SHARP)
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Employeecalc
public partial class Form1 : Form
//variables declaration
int hours;
double rate,ss,medicare,statetax,grosspay,federal;
public Form1()
private void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//text box values into variable
hours = Convert.ToInt32(txthours.Text);
rate = Convert.ToDouble(txtrate.Text);
//assign values into variable
ss = 0.062;
medicare = 0.0145;
//calculation into text boxes
txtgrosspay.Text = (hours * rate).ToString();
grosspay = Convert.ToDouble(txtgrosspay.Text);
txtename.Text = txtfname.Text +” “+ txtlname.Text;
txtss.Text = ss.ToString();
txtmedi.Text = medicare.ToString();
//condition to check and assign into variable
//employee makes between 0 and $500, the state tax rate is 2%, and the federal tax rate is 5%.
if (grosspay > 0 && grosspay <= 500)
statetax = 0.02;
federal = 0.05;
//If an employee makes between $500 and $999.99, the state tax rate is 4%, and the federal tax rate is 10%.
else if (grosspay > 500 && grosspay <= 999.99)
statetax = 0.04;
federal = 0.1;
//If an employee makes between $1,000 and $1,499.99, the state tax rate is 6%, and the federal tax rate is 15%.
else if (grosspay >= 1000 && grosspay <= 1499.99)
statetax =0.06;
federal = 0.15;
//If an employee makes between $1,500 and $1,999.99, the state tax rate is 6%, and the federal tax rate is 20%.
else if (grosspay >= 1500 && grosspay <= 1999.99)
statetax = 0.06;
federal =0.20;
//If an employee makes between $2,000 and $2,999.99, the state tax rate is 6%, and the federal tax rate is 25%.
else if (grosspay >=2000 && grosspay <= 2999.99)
statetax = 0.06;
federal = 0.25;
//If an employee makes more than $3,000, the state tax rate is 6%, and the federal tax rate is 30%.
statetax = 0.06;
federal = 0.30;
txtstateinc.Text = statetax.ToString();
txtfederal.Text = federal.ToString();
txttotgrs.Text = grosspay.ToString();
txttotss.Text = (grosspay * ss).ToString();
txttotmedi.Text = (grosspay * medicare).ToString();
txttotincome.Text = (grosspay * statetax).ToString();
txttotfederal.Text = (grosspay * federal).ToString();
txttotnet.Text = (Convert.ToDouble(txttotgrs.Text) – Convert.ToDouble(txttotss.Text) – Convert.ToDouble(txttotmedi.Text)
– Convert.ToDouble(txttotincome.Text) – Convert.ToDouble(txttotfederal.Text)).ToString();