Question & Answer: Consider the following three-step production process: The process is staffed by FOUR operators, with one…..

Consider the following three-step production proce

Consider the following three-step production process: The process is staffed by FOUR operators, with one operator assigned to A, two to B, and one to C. Suppose that 10% of the output of B is actually not usable at C and must be rejected and thrown away, but A and C are always 100% perfect. (Assume the time to inspect a unit to see if it should be discarded is so small as to be effectively zero.) What is the current bottleneck? What is the current throughput rate for the entire process? Suppose the operator at C begins to get tired and starts to slow down. As her processing time at C rises above 2 minutes per unit, what is the smallest processing time per unit at C for which C then becomes the bottleneck? When that occurs, what is the flow rate for the entire process? 

Expert Answer

 The bottleneck factor is activity B as it results in some wastage as well as the process time is high and hence result in distrubence to the time and the output of A will be lost.

Thourough put time for one unit = {(3*10)+(5*10)+(9*2)}/9= 10.89 minutes

No , increase in some process time will not make it a bottleneck as much of the processing time is lost only at B more than C.

The flow time for the entire process may increase by that additional time.

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