Consider a DB schema consisting of the following relation schemes:
Regions (Region_ID, Region_Name)
Countries (Country_id, Country_Name, Region_Id)
Locations (Location_Id, Street_address, Postal_code, City, State_Province, Country_Id)
Jobs (Job_Id, Job_title, Min_Salary, Max_salary)
Departments (Dep_Id, Dep_Name, Manager_Id, Location_Id)
Employees (Emp_ID, FirstName, Last_Name, E-mail, Phone_number, Hire_date, Job_Id, Salary, Comsn_pct, Manager_Id, Dep_Id)
Employee_History (Emp_ID, Joining_date, last_date, Job_ID, Dep_ID)
6. Create a trigger to ensure that a salary of an employee cannot exceed the salary of his/her manager. If the employee does not have a manager, then his/her salary cannot be more than 10% of the highest salary in the database.
7. For changes in the job of an employee, updated details provided below must be written to Employee History: hire date of the employee for start date, old job ID, old department ID, Employee ID, todays’ system date for end date. In case a row is already present for employee job history then the start date must be the end date of that (row +1).
8. Make a Trigger to ensure that the salary of the employee is never decreased while working in an organization.
9. Create a trigger to ensure that an increase of salary for an employee is conform with the following rules: If experience is more than 8 years, increase salary by max 20%; If experience is greater than 3 years, increase salary by max of 10%; Otherwise a max increase of 5%.
10. Create a trigger to ensure that Min_salary cannot exceed Max_salary for any job.
Expert Answer
CREATE AND INSER SYNTAX: CREATE TABLE table_name ( column1 datatype, column2 datatype, column3 datatype, ....); INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...); CREATE [ OR ALTER ] TRIGGER trigger_name ON { ALL SERVER | DATABASE } [ WITH <ddl_trigger_option> [ ,...n ] ] { FOR | AFTER } { event_type | event_group } [ ,...n ] AS { sql_statement [ ; ] [ ,...n ] | EXTERNAL NAME < method specifier > [ ; ] } <ddl_trigger_option> ::= [ ENCRYPTION ] [ EXECUTE AS Clause ]
-- Trigger on a LOGON event CREATE [ OR ALTER ] TRIGGER trigger_name ON ALL SERVER [ WITH <logon_trigger_option> [ ,...n ] ] { FOR| AFTER } LOGON AS { sql_statement [ ; ] [ ,...n ] | EXTERNAL NAME < method specifier > [ ; ] } <logon_trigger_option> ::= [ ENCRYPTION ] [ EXECUTE AS Clause ]
-- Trigger on an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement to a table or view (DML Trigger) CREATE [ OR ALTER ] TRIGGER [ schema_name . ]trigger_name ON { table | view } [ WITH <dml_trigger_option> [ ,...n ] ] { FOR | AFTER | INSTEAD OF } { [ INSERT ] [ , ] [ UPDATE ] [ , ] [ DELETE ] } AS { sql_statement [ ; ] [ ,...n ] [ ; ] > } <dml_trigger_option> ::= [ EXECUTE AS Clause ]