Question & Answer: Complete the SPIM assembly language program loop1.s……

Complete the SPIM assembly language program loop1.s.


##      Program Name:   loop1.s 
##              - will calculate the sum of the elements in "array".
##              - "count" holds the number of elements in "array".
##              - Output format must be 
##                "sum = 15"
##              t0 - point to array elements in turn
##              t1 - contains count of elements
##              t2 - contains sum
##              t3 - each word from array in turn

#                                               #
#               text segment                    #
#                                               #

        .globl __start
__start:                # execution starts here

#       Put your answer between dashed lines.
#------------------Your code starts next line---------------

#-----------------Your code ends above this line----------------

        la $a0,endl     # syscall to print out
        li $v0,4        # a new line

        li $v0,10       # Exit
        syscall         # Bye!

#                                               #
#               data segment                    #
#                                               #

        array:  .word 3,4,2,6
        count:  .word 4
        ans1:   .asciiz "sum = "
        endl:   .asciiz "n"       

##      end of file loop1.s

The program will calculate the sum of the elements in “array”.

Here is the program skeleton; you will complete it.

Print out the sum in this format: “sum = 15”

Expert Answer


Question & Answer: Complete the SPIM assembly language program loop1.s...... 1

Question & Answer: Complete the SPIM assembly language program loop1.s...... 2

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