Question & Answer: Change this program from pointers to class in C++…..

Change this program from pointers to class in C++
.ill T-Mobile 10:45 PM 95%-iii), + Done Casewell-Pointers.cp #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() //Symbolic Meanings //ad = Adult Non-Desserts //dess = Dessert Cost //rm Room Fee //taxa Tax and Tip Sum //afd = Adult Food //alSum of Child and Adult meals //cd = Children Non-Dessert //ta = Total Adult Food Cost //tc = Total Children Food Cost //td = Total Dessert Cost //t = Total without deposit //ptt = Tax and tip Rate (%) /dpt = Deposit /bal Balance int adult, child float ad, dess, rm, cd, ta, taxa, tc, td, t, ptt, all, dpt, bal; cout <<For every number you input, press [ENTER] when done with what each line is asking. << endl; cout << endl cout <<How many adults are attending: cin >>adult; cout <<How many children are attending:; cin >>child cout << What is the cost of an adult without dessert: cin >>ad cout << What is the cost per dessert: cin > dess cout <What is the room fee: cin >>rm cout << What is the tip and tax rate? (With the decimal):

t.ill T-Mobile 10:45 PM 95%-iii), + Done Casewell-Pointers.cp #include #include using namespace std; int main() //Symbolic Meanings //ad = Adult Non-Desserts //dess = Dessert Cost //rm Room Fee //taxa Tax and Tip Sum //afd = Adult Food //alSum of Child and Adult meals //cd = Children Non-Dessert //ta = Total Adult Food Cost //tc = Total Children Food Cost //td = Total Dessert Cost //t = Total without deposit //ptt = Tax and tip Rate (%) /dpt = Deposit /bal Balance int adult, child float ad, dess, rm, cd, ta, taxa, tc, td, t, ptt, all, dpt, bal; cout

Expert Answer


#include<iostream>//input output streaam header file

#include<iomanip>//input output mainpulation file like setw

using namespace std;

class Dessert


int adult,child;

float ad,dess,rm,cd,ta,taxa,tc,td,t,ptt,all,dpt,bal;

/*ad Adult non desserts

dess = desert cost

rm room rent

taxa tax and tip sum

afd adult food

all sum of child and adult meals

ta total adult food

tc total child food

td total dessert food

t total without deposit

ptt tax and tip rate %

dpt deposit ammount

bal balance amount



void input(); //taking inputs through memeber function

void calc(); //calucate all the items

void output(); //display the bill


void Dessert::input()

//defination of input function


cout<<“for every number input press[enter]”;

cout<<endl<<“how many adults are attending”;


cout<<endl<<“How many childrens are attending”;


cout<<endl<<“what is the cost of an adult with out dessert”;


cout<<endl<<“what is the cost per desset”;


cout<<“what is the room free”;


cout<<endl<<“what is the tip and tax rate(with decimal)”;


cout<<endl<<“how much did you deposit”;



void Dessert::calc()


//all caluclations










void Dessert::output()


//display menu

//setw is set width position



cout<<endl<<setw(15)<<“Caswell Catering and convention Service”<<endl;

cout<<endl<<setw(21)<<“FINAL BILL”<<endl;

cout<<setw(31)<<“Number of Adults”<<setw(12)<<adult<<endl;

cout<<setw(31)<<“Number of childrens”<<setw(12)<<child<<endl;

cout<<“Cost per adult with out desert”<<setw(8)<<ad<<endl;

cout<<“Cost per chaild with out dessert”<<setw(8)<<cd<<endl;

cout<<setw(31)<<“Cost per dessert”<<setw(5)<<“$”<<setw(8)<<dess<<endl;

cout<<setw(31)<<“Room fee”<<setw(5)<<“$”<<setw(8)<<rm<<endl;

cout<<setw(31)<<“Tip and tax rate”<<setw(5)<<“%”<<setw(8)<<ptt<<endl;

cout<<setw(31)<<“Total cost for Adult Meals”<<setw(5)<<setw(8)<<ta<<endl;

cout<<setw(31)<<“Total cost for Child Meals”<<setw(5)<<setw(8)<<td<<endl;

cout<<setw(31)<<“Total food cost”<<setw(5)<<setw(8)<<all<<endl;

cout<<setw(31)<<“Plus Tip and Tax”<<setw(5)<<setw(8)<<taxa<<endl;

cout<<setw(31)<<“Plus Room Fee”<<setw(5)<<setw(8)<<rm<<endl;




cout<<setw(31)<<“Less Deposit”<<setw(5)<<“$”<<setw(8)<<dpt<<endl;


cout<<setw(31)<<“Balance Due”<<setw(5)<<“$”<<setw(8)<<bal<<endl;


int main()//main program


Dessert d; //create dessert object

d.input();//call input member function

d.calc();//call calc member function

d.output();//call output member function

Question & Answer: Change this program from pointers to class in C++..... 1Question & Answer: Change this program from pointers to class in C++..... 2}

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