Alomar Co., a consolidated enterprise, conducted an impairment review for each of its reporting units. In its qualitative assessment, one particular reporting unit, Sellers, emerged as a candidate for possible goodwill impairment. Sellers has recognized net assets of $1, 316, including goodwill of $795. Seller’s fair value is assessed at $1, 291 and includes two internally developed unrecognized intangible assets (a patent and a customer list with fair values of $273 and $133, respectively). The following table summarizes current financial information for the Sellers reporting unit: a. Determine the amount of any goodwill impairment for Alomar’s Sellers reporting unit. b. After recognition of any goodwill Impairment loss, what are the reported book values for the following assets of Alomar’s reporting unit Sellers?
Expert Answer
Step 1
Fair value of reporting unit. = $1,291
Carrying value of reporting unit = $1,316
Because fair value < carrying value there is a potential goodwill impairment loss.
Step 2
Fair value of reporting unit. = $1,291
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill
Tangible assets. $144
Recognized intangible assets. $463
Unrecognized intangible assets. $406
Total. $1,013
Implied value of goodwill. = $278. ( $1291 – $1013)
Carrying value of goodwill. = $795
Goodwill impairment loss. = $517
Tangible assets net. $115
Goodwill $278
Patent $ 0
Customer list. $ 0