Question & Answer: 6A. This week, we looked at several examples of early modernist art such as Cubism, Fauvism, futurism,…

6A. This week, we looked at several examples of early modernist art such as Cubism, Fauvism, futurism, and expressionism. Let’s discuss the relationships between these aesthetic categories and the sociopolitical climate of the period. How did the sociopolitical climate of the time period, including the two world wars, influence artists?

Expert Answer

In the context of the given question, Cubism, Fauvism are all modern forms of art which represent and expression to communicate the artist’s emotions and thoughts. They are represented by intense colour and very descriptive on the canvas to depict the artist’s visual impression. This draws attention of all its viewers. The socio political climate strongly influenced the artists to think about the growing unstability and turbulence in society, loss of lives and destruction led the artists to communicate their environment to their audience in the forms of these modern art piece of work.

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