1. Should healthcare providers be paid (reimbursed) according to the quality of care as incentive to improve their performance (known as pay for performance)? Explain why or why not (hint: www.ncqa.org )
2. What criteria would you use to rate their performance?
3. Can physicians negatively impact the CQI effects of a healthcare facility?
Expert Answer
yes health care provider should be paid according to the quality of care as incentive to improbe their performance because it will improve the quality of healthcare while reducing the cost. with improved quaity care , people should be able to live longer and healtheir lives.
2. following are the crieteria would use to rate their performance………
pay for performance————–pay for performance is a helath care payment system that offer financial reward to providers who achive their performance on specified benchmark. performance are measured on various categories like patient safety , patient satisfaction, cost management and clinical quality. In pay for performance first the oerformnace should be masured by various crieteria then the incentive should be design and transperency shold be maintained in these model and incentives should be paid accordingly.
3.no physician cannot negativly impact the CQI effect the healthcare facility, if the physician are not doing their job properly then they will lose the amount of patient . physician can do their job to the satisfaction level atleast.