1.How can a utility differ to same person from one place to another?
2.What does a broker do in the supply chain system?
3. What is the difference between Demurrage and Detention?
Expert Answer
3) difference between demurrage and detention
Under Import scenario- If the container has not been picked by consignee during free time and the import container is in the possesion of shipping line demurrage charges are applied. It is applicable post free time and upto container is picked by consignee.
Detention is applied when import container has been picke by importer within free time but the consingnee has not returned the empty container with in the alloted time
Under export scenario till the time the loaded export container is held at steamship line and cannot be loaded onto vessel due to non carrier related issues such as proper export papers etc with in the alloted time demurrage charges are applicable.
Detention charges in export scenario are applied when exporter picks up the empty container but returns the loaded ones to ship after the alloted free time.