Please help me with this organic chemistry problem! Thank you.
1. Deduce the scructure of he compound that gives the following H C for Sio HOAsigall uspecas of H and TC spectra to the structure you propos.Ue letrers to correlace protonu with the signals in the HNM thtwNMR.pertrum·and nur bee to corelate eacbona wish the signals in the 1C spectrum, spectrum tamulatac 2H 2H 10 (ppm) CH CH CH3 NMR spectrum 아 tion from the DEPT C spectra is given above each peak CH 180 180 140120100 B0 60 40 20 200 e (Ppm) 100 90 70 60- 50- 40 30- 1000 300 4000 3000 2000 1500
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