1. (20 pt, 5 pt. each) Use the laws of propositional logic to prove that the following compound propositions are logically equivalent. Indicate the law(s) used in each step of the proof (p→q)v(p → r) and p-+ (qvr) p-cor) and (p^-q) → r (10 pt., 5 pt. each) Use the laws of propositional logic to prove that the following compound propositions are tautologies. Indicate the law(s) used in each step of the proof. Part Ill: Constructing logical expressions from truth tables (20 pt.) Suppose that a truth table with n variables is specified. A compound proposition can be constructed from this truth table by taking the disjunction of the conjunctions of the variables or their negations, with one conjunction included for each row where the compound proposition is true. The resulting compound proposition is said to be in disjunctive normal form. T F T F T F F T F T Truth Table A Truth Table B Truth Table C
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