Question & Answer: 1)explain why the ABC format described in the text reading is beneficial for writing all correspondence;…

1)explain why the ABC format described in the text reading is beneficial for writing all correspondence; and discuss several ways to incorporate the “You” attitude in your writing. Why is this important?

2) Design plays a major role in how readers understand and perceive information. In fact, the way a document is designed or presented creates a subliminal effect, a first impression of sorts, which readers often use to judge the overall value of the document. Choose two or three elements—color, consistency, grids, white space, the use of lists, parallelism, fonts, and so on—that you feel are the most important. Explain why you feel these elements are critical for helping create a good first impression.

Expert Answer

1. ABC format seeks complete evidance to any saying or answer to understand the reader what exactly you want to say. some time he may be misunderstood your sayings, to support your answer you must provide an example, and at the same time you need to be precise and conclude the statement. it helsp less dilution or diversion of mind of the reader, and they can stick on to one aspect.

2. the beaty of reading is unlimited and different aspects. it compleletely reflects the mind of the reader always, but not the mind of the author. of course we can it as limitation also. based on the maturity levels, understanding capacity, age, own experience and aspirations; all these makes people to understand the content on the pages. and also each time we read, we definitely change our perception about that point.

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