Produce a chart which gives an outline of the development for young children during the first three years of their life. Essay

Physical Thinking and Learning Expressing Feelings Awareness of Self and Others CommunicationBirthto1 month ‚§ Keeps hands in tight fists.‚§ ‚§ Arms and legs move equally on both sides‚§ ‚§ When lying on the tummy, holds head up briefly Will stare at an object placed in front of the face, especially something brightly coloredFollows faces Recognizes mother’s voice When upset, responds to a parent’s cuddles, voice, and affections Becomes alert when hearing a pleasant sound, like music Startles at loud noises Makes sounds other than crying2 monthsto3 months when on his or her belly, can hold up the head and may even push up on the arms good head control when held in a sitting position newborn reflexes start to go away, like the moro (startle) reflex and tonic reflex (fencer’s pose) fists remain unclenched half of the time gets bored and lets you know it by fussing or crying when a change of scenery or a new activity is needed is alert to sounds focuses on and tracks faces and objects from side to side comforts himself or herself, maybe by putting a fist in the mouth makes an effort to look at parents when they’re nearby smiles when happy develops more distinct cries to indicate hunger, pain, or tiredness gurgles and coos (says “ooh” and “ah”) smiles in response to being talked to, played with, or smiled at turns his or her attention to whoever is speaking4 monthsto6 months Creeps when on abdomen, usually backwards before forwards.

May roll over in both directions.

May hurl body forward from crouched position. Sits up for long periods; may need hands on ground for balance. Keeps head level with body when pulled to sitting. Enjoys standing with support. Brings most objects to mouth. Puts feet into mouth. Rakes small items with fingers. Reaches smoothly for items. Explores objects by shaking, hitting, turning, dropping, and throwing. May hold own bottle. May feed self crackers. Moro reflex/startle reflex begins to disappear. Rocks on belly with limbs outstretched (airplaning). Understands that items remain even if they can’t be seen. Enjoys games like peek-a-boo. Looks for dropped objects. Recognizes sound of own name. Vocalizes to mirror image. Pays attention to very small objects. Alert and awake for l-l/2 to 2 hours at a stretch (close to 50 percent of daylight hours). May sleep through night. Turns to look at speaker when hears a voice. Reacts to and even imitates inflections in others’ voices. Particularly attached to voice of mother. May make wet razzing sound. Distinguishes children from adults, reaching to touch passing children. Begins to show signs of personality. Demands attention from caregivers. Cries when parent or familiar caregiver leaves. Says ah-goo or other vowel-consonant sound. Babbles repeatedly when excited.7 monthsto9 months Sits unassistedStarting to pull self up and weight-bear on legsCrawls (or more importantly tries to move from one place to another)Can transfer an object from one hand to the otherEats with handsCan use a sippy’ cup Curious and eager to explore the world around themDrops things intentionally to see what happens- both with the object and your reactionUnderstands the concept of object permanence and will look for a toy that is hiddenRecognizes familiar people Want to take part in activities with people. Point to things for a reason. Seek attention. Show strong feelings about likes and dislikes. Laugh. Not want to be away from you or other caregivers. Show fear (possibly by crying) if he is scared. Babbles ” combines syllablesSays mama or dada but not always referring to the correct personOften babies develop stranger anxiety around this ageMay start to use gestures or sounds to express needs instead of crying1 yearto1 Ѕ years Sit without leaning on anything or being held upBelly crawl, scoot or creep on hands and kneesPull to standing and move, holding on to furnitureStand alone and walk, holding on to your handsStick out their arms, legs and feet to help get dressed and undressedWalk without helpBegin walking up stairs Know the use of everyday objects, such as a spoon, a toothbrush or phoneStart following simple directions such as blow me a kiss or sit downStart simple pretend play, like feeding a stuffed animalPoint to his own head, eyes, ears, nose or mouthMake the connection between a word you say and a picture in a bookShow a reaction to familiar songs and storiesStart testing cause and effect, such as what happens when he throws his cup on the floors Smile and laugh in reaction to somebody else or when playingCry when someone nearby is upsetFeel comfortable exploring the room when a caregiver is nearbyShow affection to familiar peopleHave mild temper tantrums when frustratedBe nervous around new people and clingy with caregivers Pays increasing attention to speechResponds to simple verbal requestsResponds to noUses simple gestures, such as shaking head for noBabbles with inflectionSays dada and mamaUses exclamations, such as oh-oh!Tries to imitate wordsBabble in a way that sounds like talking and try to talk with youRecognize family members’ names and the words for common items (cup, ball, shoe)Raise his arms when he wants to be picked up, point at things he wants and shake his head noUnderstand basic commands like stopSay no, mama and several other wordsExpress happiness, sadness and frustration with different sounds or cries1 Ѕ yearsto2 years runswalks upstairs with hand heldthrows a balltakes off some clothesscribbles with a crayon knows the name of favorite toysnames objects or actions in a picture bookimitates household tasks, such as cooking can match pairs of objects begins to engage in pretend play laughs in response to othersshows affection asserts himself or herself verbally or through angry tantrums says 10 to 20 wordsunderstands one-step commands (“Pick up the toy.”)can point to some body parts (“Where is your nose?”)2 yearsto3 years Walk, run, stop, set up and squat downStand on tiptoesWalk upstairs with an alternating foot pattern with one hand on railJump in place with two feet togetherWalk downstairs with two feet on same stepStart riding a tricycle with using pedalsCatch a ballKick a ball forwardFolds paper in halfDraw straight lines and circlesManage large buttonsTurn single pagesHold crayons with thumbs and fingers not fits Match various objects to their usesName the objects they find in picture bookRespond to any simple direction their parents or caregivers give themImitates adult actions that are more complexStack rings in order starting from the largest and ending with the smallestSort various object based on their categoryIdentify their own reflections in the mirror by nameRespond to simple directions given by parents and caregivers A strong sense of ownershipMay begin cooperative playTreats dolls or teddy as if it is alivePlay alongside others but will not play together with themBegins to use symbols in their play such as a pencil as sword Produce a chart which gives an outline of the development for young children during the first three years of their life.

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