1. How to recognise signs of abuse:
Definition of types of abuse and yours respective signs:
1.1.1 Physical Abuse:According with NCPEA (National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse) Physical Abuse is a physical force or violence that results in bodily injury, pain or impairment. It is a non-accident use of physical force resulting in body harm. Eg. Pushing, force feeding, burning, scalding, etc.
see more:explain how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by encouraging active participation
1.1.2 Signs that a Physical abuse has happened:
- Injuries or bruises;
- Scratches marks or cuts;
- Bite marks;
- Cigarette marks;
- Behaviour indicators;
- Sprains, fractures, broken bones;
- Deterioration of health without an obvious cause;
- Rough handling or physical coercion.
- Also Physical abuse can include:
- Force residents to stay in bed or chair;
- Using or misusing physical restraints. (Like seat belt).