Personal Responsibility Leads to Success Essay

Personal responsibility to me means a person is capable of being accountable for his or her actions, family, college education, and career goals. To achieve the desired success in life it is the person responsibility. If one does not take responsibility for himself or herself, he or she will never be successful in anything he or she plans to achieve. To possess the following qualities: One must be self-discipline, practice on improving his or her time management and scheduling skills, and learn how to create a stress less environment.

Doing these things, he/she can see how his or her personal responsibilities can lead to his or her success in college, family, and his or her professional career. Self-discipline is a way to train oneself to have self-control. It is something that does not come easy to many for dieting to shopping. In every aspect of life, there need to be a moderate to high level of self-discipline. To become self-discipline, one should begin with developing a success plan.

The plan should consist of the desired goals one want to accomplish within his or her life. These goals can be short-term goals as well as long-term goals. It is also idea if the short term goals can be turned into long term goals. For instance, if someone wants to become a teacher (long term goal), his or her short-term goal is completing college. When developing ones plan, he or she should write everything down and draw a diagram. As one is doing this task, he or she should remember this is a responsibility he or she to gain personal success. Start out with that in mind. The steps to use to create ones success plan includes the following: 1.On a blank sheet of paper, write down any short term goals on the left side.

2.On the right side of the sheet of paper, write down realistic ways to accomplish these goals. 3.Draw lines or boxes on how he or she plans to achieve these goals. 4.One may decide to start with his or her short term goals because it is easier to see his or her achieving them now than achieving his or her long-term goals. 5.Once one has accomplished his or her short term goals, their long term goals look more tangible, able to be reach. 6.On another blank sheet of paper, write down any long term goals in the same manner as the short term goals were written. 7.The results from doing this, it will help on visualize his or her goals more clearly and help him or her know the path, which he or she needs to follow.

This can help anyone in college, at home, and at work with completing tasks. Next one needs to have to develop a good time management skills. According to Aubin (2013) “People with good time management skills are more likely to be successful in their lives” (Aubin, 2013) Once on has made his or her success plan; it is time to break it down into a week-to-week or month-to-month schedule. There are many ways to create a time management schedule, such as using a to-do-list, calendar, or a day planner.

If one wants to make a week-to-week schedule, he or she would want to consider including house chores, children activities, doctor appointments, teacher and parent meetings, work, and college assignment(s). There are always unexpected events making time for unexpected events and most importantly for oneself; that doesn’t include catering to all of the other listed items. Include every day activity and the time of the activities. This will let anyone see what he or she has going on in their everyday life. By doing this, one will see what changes he or she needs to make; for example, one may notice that an appointments may need to be reschedule because there are time conflicts among a couple of them.

Attending college with a family and working, find themselves struggling to meet their courses deadlines because of family and work obligations that would come up unexpectedly. Resulting, they had many problems managing their time wisely. To help manage ones time, create a time management schedule, follow these steps: 1.One should decide what type format (a to-do-list, calendar, or a day planner) he or she wants to use. 2.He or she should write all assignments and other appointments on the calendar, according to the assignment due date or the appointments scheduled day in different colors of ink or highlight each one with different colors of highlighter.

3.After a task is complete, mark through it so that one will know that he or she has completed that particular task. Aubin (2013) stated “There are many benefits to having time management skills. In general you are more effective in getting your work done. You can stop being reactive in your life and start working productively towards your goal” (Aubin, 2013). Those people, whom found they juggling school, work, and their home lives and whom did not have a time management schedule, usually would have to go back to their class syllabus or search online through their class e-mail to make sure that their assignments are turned in by the deadlines. Nevertheless, once those same people developed a schedule that helps them with time management they find it is easier to move forward. They also realize that after developing a schedule it helped them reach their goals.

The last quality one needs to possess in personal responsibility to lead to success is a good stress management skill. There are probably fewer people who can say that they are not stressed out form work, family, or going to college. Stress is going to come; you will face stress from family, work and college (Smith, 2012). Take control of your life and learn to manage stress in a health productive way, this can be a hard task to accomplish is managing your stress. According to (2012) these are some signs and symptoms of stress: Cognitive Symptoms are memory problems, poor judgment, anxious or racing thoughts, and constant worrying.

Emotional Symptoms are moodiness, Agitation, inability to relax, sense of loneliness and isolations, and depression or general unhappiness. Physical Symptoms are aches and pains, diarrhea or constipation, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, and frequent colds. Behavioral Symptoms are eating, sleeping too much or too little, procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities, and nervous habits (e.g., nail biting, pacing). “Keep in mind that the signs and symptoms of stress can also be caused by other psychological and medical problems. If you’re experiencing any of the warning signs of stress, it’s important to see a doctor for a full evaluation. Your doctor can help you determine whether or not your symptoms are stress-related.” (“Stress Symptoms, Signs and Causes,” (2012))

Recognizing when ones is stressed and knowing how to identify his ore her stress is important to one’s health and well-being. Managing one stress is about being responsible for taking control of his or her life and the obstacles that come. Those obstacles that usually stress a person are not planned and often disrupt his or her daily planned schedule (Smith, 2012). To accomplish this task, one should follow the Melinda Smith’s list provided below: The Four A’s

Change the situation:Change your reaction:
*Avoid the stressor. *Adapt to the stressor.
*Alter the stressor.*Accept the stressor.

Everyone responds to stress in different ways, but each individual have to find his or her own way to deal with his or her stress in a healthy manner. The way one responds to stress can affect the way people will react to the person’s response, meaning that if a person gets temper-mannered when under stress; his or her peers may be temper-mannered toward him or her. When under stress on should always try to stay calm. When he or she is the one family member is depending on to provide and support the family, it is ones responsibility to manage his or her stress.

When a person lets stress control his/her life, he/she is losing control over his or her family, career, goals, and self. A person needs to take control of his or her stress because it can lead to serious health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. When a person gets sick and is cannot to go to work that leaves him or her unable to provide to his or her family. Most of the time it is the little things one can do to prevent stress. According to O’Connor (2006), you can weave stress relief techniques into your hectic every day routine (“10 ways to de-stress anytime, anywhere” (2006)). A person should not take on more than he or she can handle at one time. Gail O’Connor has provided 10 steps that can do effortlessly every day to help with stress. •Before you leave work prep for tomorrow.

•Before you leave the house arm yourself with snacks. •When you have an extra five minutes try to repeat performance like vacuuming, shredding paper or knitting. •In the bathroom wash your hands when you are under pressure, you are more susceptible to cold viruses and other germs. •In your car turn on some tunes.

•On weekend errands to the ATM once by limiting your cash withdrawals to once a week is a quick, easy way to monitor your spending habits. •At the gym hit the pool. •At home in the evenings give your thumbs a rest by stop texting. •When you are facing a major life change recall the past success. •Before you go to bed do a simple spinal twist it can help you sleep better through the night. If a person is constantly around someone whom causes them discomfort to the point that it stresses him or her out, he or she should do whatever they need to avoid any contact with the other person.

To distance oneself from someone who causes him or her stressful discomfort, a person can make up things to do so you do not have to talk to him or her. In some areas of our lives when cannot walk away from the stressor(s) because we have to work together on a project. When face with communication boundaries that need to be address, and that the time he or she needs communicate the problem with the team/group and let them know if you are taking on too many tasks and the team/group can help with relieving the stress.

Some people do not realize how their success with managing time plays a role in causing his or her stress. If one can manage his or her time so that his or her schedule is not running together by prioritizing his/her tasks. This will help eliminate getting upset and stress out. Most of our stress comes from not thinking about the situation at hand and not relaxing. Remember to make time for one, even if it means taking a long walk, a hot bath, exercising, watching television, or just by calling a close friend to tell your problems to will help you get if off your chest. Talking usually will calm the person down and let him or her think more clearly about the situation. According to McKinnon (2001), “There are many warning signs that our mind and body send us when we are experiencing dangerous levels of stress. Recognizing them can serve as an effective tools head off burnout” (McKinnon, 2001). Always consult your doctor before trying to handle your stress on your own. The relationship between personal responsibility and college success goes hand-in-hand because a person has to take responsibility for his or her education.

It is his or her responsibility to attend class, read material, and turn in assignments on time. If the person does not hold him or herself accountable for doing this, he or she will not be successful in college. For example, a person should not wait until the last minute to do assignments; he or she should always try to complete the assignment ahead of time because he or she may need assistance from the instructor and have questions about the assignment. Start scheduling tasks, so one can work ahead on assignments, will not be rushed to turn the assignment in, and able to get answers to questions one might have, this is being responsible for your success. In order for myself to be successful, I have made up in my mind that I am going to be responsible for my education. It takes self-discipline, planning, scheduling, time management, and stress management to gain success in all aspect of your life. Success does not come easy it takes hard determination to get there.

You have to start out like a baby learning to crawl. You have to crawl before you walk, walk before you run. And last you are running because you have achieved you goals. I am learning to manage my time more wisely. For instance, sometimes I complete my house chores early I start on my assignments. When I start feeling stressed out, I call and talk to my best friend or I put my son in his wagon and we go for a walk. I do this it makes me feel better because I am able to clear my mind and focus on my tasks successful. One my road to success, graduating from college is my first goal and from there it is being a professional educator. The knowledge and skills that I am learning from college will help me be a professional competence educator. I will be able to work effectively in my field of study. By applying self-discipline, time management, and stress management I will be able to be successful in all my goals.

Aubin, C. (2006, July). Time Management Skills: The Benefits. Retrieved from McKinnon, K. D. (2001, February). The Warning signs of stress.. Leadership for student Activities, 29(6), 7. Retrieved from O’connor, G. (2006, June). 10 Ways to de-stress anytime, anywhere. Sharpe, 25(10), 104,106,108-109. Retrieved from Smith, M.A., M., & Segal, M.A., R. (2012). Stress Management. Retrieved from

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