P_C1_newModule Essay



Let’s Get I nto This.



This project idea is dedicated to improve working of restaurants and hotels for better

customer as well as staff experience. The implementation is simple be it a small -scale restaurant

or a large Hotels. The system simplifies food delivery right to the table without any confusion

and also provides multiple o ptions for payment of the bill. Food is loves by all hence restaurant

industry is one of the most flourishing segments. No doubt, this segment continues to expand

rapidly. Therefore, it is a must for restaurants to opt smart restaurant technology solutions to

streamline operations and to serve patrons. SMART RESTAURANT is the future of Restaurant

management and order taking. It is a multilingual and easy -to-use application that replaces the

old conventional restaurant menus. Smart Restaurant can also be imp lemented for cafes, bars,

and every food and beverage serving

business. The application is installed

on a Tablet or a touch -screen device

which replaces printed catalogues.

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