UNIT 208 SUPPORT CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE’S HEALTH AND SAFETYOUTCOME 1: KNOW THE LEGISLATIVE AND POLICY FRAMEWORK FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY1.1) Describe how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in the setting? DBS CHECK AND SECURITY OF VISITORSAt linthorpe Community Primary School (LCPS) training of Health & Safety is provided to all members of staff who have various roles and responsibilities of safeguarding, fire and first aid. The School Business Manager carries out an enhanced DBS check for all staff and volunteers who deal with children.
The school requires all staff/volunteers to have an induction prior commencing to work. The induction covers all aspects of Health and Safety policies. After the induction volunteers/staff are expected to sign that they have understood the Health and Safety policy in the presence of the Business Manager. In addition, all visitors to the school must sign using a tablet provided at reception and obtain a badge which permits their valid entry into the school.
Signing in the tablet also means that they have read and understood the Safeguarding policy. The school receptionists are responsible for checking the visitors. GOOD HEALTH AND HYGIENE ROUTINESGood safety habits are taught for children as part of the national curriculum. This can be through topics within the school’s learning contexts, for instance, a safe place to play which could include Science, English or Technology, and the involvement of outside agencies such as the police, fire brigade, road safety officer, Kerb craft etc. It might also be through a health-related topic such as smoking.The children are encouraged to develop healthy habits through good health and hygiene routines, for example regular exercise or care of themselves, personal hygiene etc.A positive policy for healthy eating is maintained at school, with healthy option menu at lunchtime, and the availability of fruit for a break-time snack. The school has also been awarded a Gold Award for Healthy Schools.Children learn best through practical experiences and active involvement in all areas of the curriculum. Children are taught to have care and consideration for themselves and others:In the classroomWhen using equipment e.g. scissors, tools, PE apparatusWhen moving around schoolWhen carrying out investigations e.g. a pond, pollution, soil studiesWhen on educational visitsMOVING FURNITUREWhen children are moving chairs, they should be moved one at a time and children must be shown how to carry them correctly. They may carry single chairs on their own. Tables require one child at each end, a child must not attempt to lift a table on his/her own. Small items of equipment include tape players, CD players, physical education (PE) trolleys etc. These can be moved freely by the children. When any item of equipment or furniture is being moved from one room to another, always ensure that there is another child available to open and close doors. The items children should not move are computers/monitors which can fall off trolleys and wires can get caught/tangled easily.ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTThe paper cutter will only be used by adults. Older children under supervision may use them. Sharp knives are to be used by adults only and never left unattended. Only adults will use hot glue guns. The cooker is for adult use only. Children cooking must always be supervised. The Council will test all the electrical equipment annually. All physical education (PE) apparatus will be tested by outside contractors annually.PHYSICAL EDUCATION (PE)For any physical education (PE) children change into shorts and T- shirts, and wear pumps or trainers for outside activities. It is part of the school policy that children do not wear any form of jewellery for safety reasons. Ear studs must be removed or covered with sticking plaster. When using large apparatus children must be trained in how to move, lift and set out each piece of apparatus. This includes how to lift correctly, and how many children are required for moving each piece of equipment (this should include how to bend), for example netball posts one child at each end.SWIMMING LESSONS/EDUCATIONAL VISITSIn Year 5 children attend swimming lessons the child will be made aware of safe procedures and shown how to evacuate the pool. Whilst travelling to the swimming pool in the coach, the children must remain seated until told otherwise. Seatbelts must always be worn.In accordance with Local Education Authority (LEA) safety regulations, educational visits are carefully planned, with staff visits made if possible. Details are sent to parents. Children are asked to wear appropriate clothing for the activity planned. The correct adult/child ratios are always followed, and a first aid kit and list of emergency phone numbers taken. ACCIDENTSAll children are taught to take care of themselves and each other, but in a school environment, accidents do occur. Most accidents in school are minor and can be dealt with by any member of staff. Fully equipped first aid boxes are kept in the reception office, nursery toilets, reception class store, opposite class 20, opposite class 16, opposite class 2 and outside class 8.If the accident is more serious, the aim of the school is to get the child qualified medical attention as quickly as possible. Parents are notified straight away and if necessary, an ambulance sent for.Accident forms are completed for any accident requiring professional medical attention or caused by any defect in the school or its equipment. FIRE DRILLS/BOMB ALERTSLinthorpe Community Primary School (LCPS) has set procedures in case of an emergency in school, such as a fire or bomb alert when the building needs to be evacuated. These drills are carried out at least once a term. All staff and children are familiar with these procedures, and know their own exit route etc.HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES/BODILY FLUIDSThe site supervisor, under the direction of the Headteacher, is responsible for ensuring that the building provides a safe and healthy environment for the children. The site supervisor and Middlesbrough Council(MBC) employees maintain clean tidy buildings and grounds. Any minor repairs or maintenance are completed by the site supervisor or contractors. Any equipment/hazardous substance is kept locked away from the children. When treating any accidents disposable gloves are worn that involve bodily fluids. Any waste is placed in a disposable bag and fastened securely. Any child’s clothing should be placed in a plastic bag and fastened securely ready to take home. HEALTH & SAFETY POSTERSThe person responsible for displaying all health and safety posters and for the maintenance of health and safety information is the School Business Manager. The fire drill posters are displayed at the back of the doors in each classroom. Treating asthma at school is throughout the halls and corridors. Mental Health is displayed through corridors and a list of children with medical conditions (including severe allergic reactions) is in the staff room.1.2) Describe how health and safety is monitored and maintained in the settingThe Governors of Linthorpe Community Primary School (LCPS) seek to provide a safe and healthy environment for all pupils, staff and visitors. To this end the Health and Safety Policy of Middlesbrough Council has been adopted and regular checks are made.The aim of the school is to create an atmosphere of carefulness both in and out of school. This includes The ability of each individual to protect him/herselfConcern and consideration for the safety of othersKnowledge of what to do in certain situationsAlertness and controlCultivation of good habitsFor children, good safety habits are taught as part of the whole curriculum and they are encouraged to develop healthy habits through good health and hygiene routines.1.3) Describe how people in the setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely.To encourage staff to be aware of potential risks or hazards they are encouraged to think about the classroom learning environment and the school playground. Below is a description of risks and hazards for both the classroom and the school playground.Classroom learning environmentThe layout of the classrooms should be safe. There should be nothing near the children that could cause them harm. There should be plenty of clutter free space to walk. Coats and bags should be placed in the cloakrooms provided as this will allow the children and staff to move around without tripping over the coats. Accidents can be avoided by ensuring that floor surfaces are not uneven, wet or damaged. Furniture should be free from damage. Equipment should be stored and stacked safely to prevent things accidentally falling or collapsing. All resources and materials from which children select must be stored safely. When placing decorations or accessing materials on high shelves, always use a ladder. Do not stand on chairs or desks. Choose the appropriate ladder and follow the guidelines. Do not leave unattended drawers open. Make sure chairs are pushed in when children are moving around. Spray bottles etc must not be left within children’s reach. Cleaning fluids and materials must only be stored in safe, designated areas. The temperature of hot water must be controlled to prevent scalding. Lighting and ventilation must be adequate in all areas, as harsh lighting can be uncomfortable and may cause headaches in some children/staff. Electric sockets, wire and leads need to be properly guarded, and the children taught not to touch them. Windows are protected from accidental breakage or vandalism from people outside the building and locked after school closing times. All rooms must be checked regularly for correct temperature and ventilation. Dinner halls occasionally become slippery due to children’s spillage of water/juice during lunchtimes therefore a wet sign is essential to warn staff and children that there is a slip hazard. This also applies to floors in corridors and classrooms as well.School PlaygroundsOutdoor spaces that are used should be safe and secure. The school playground should be checked to ensure that it is tidy, and any litter, plants or broken glass must be cleared away before children can play. Before using any outdoor equipment, children are reminded of how to use it and the equipment should be age appropriate. Also, staff should ensure that equipment is in working order before usage.1.4) Identify the lines of responsibility and reporting for health and safety in the settingAt Linthorpe Community Primary School (LCPS) the Governors, Headteacher, Deputy Head and Site Supervisor carry out a health and safety check each term. They look at each area of the school, teaching areas and other rooms, halls, corridors and cupboards. They check the exterior fabric of the building and grounds and include fencing and driveways. Reports are written up and any action required is reported to the termly Governors’ meeting.In addition, the school is inspected annually by a member of the council’s health and safety unit and any actions required following the inspection are reported to the Governors’ meeting.