Organizational Strategy and Leadership

Additional Information

It is important to note that the unit of analysis for assignment 2 is an organisation (not

industry). You may choose an organisation that you are familiar with – either through your

employment (current or past) or simply by research.


This assignment involves research within the context of existing knowledge. Your

investigation may be based on both primary and secondary data that should be analyzed

and used to support a logically structured argument. It is important to recognize that mere

reporting of facts will be inadequate and I will look for evidence of critical review and



You are expected to assess three distinct dimensions of strategy for the selected

organisation. The dimensions are:


 Generic business strategy

 Organisational culture

 Formal organisational structure



You must report the current status of each dimension and provide a critique of its relevance.

You need to clearly articulate the conclusions that you draw about these dimensions

individually. What linkages and consistency can you identify or infer within these



As stated earlier it is important to ensure that your assignment is not limited to reporting of

facts. While reporting of facts is important, it should lead to analysis and discussion to further

your argument. Statements and claims without any credible evidence do not add any value

to the quality of any assignment.


I expect that a good balance will be maintained for academic and professional sources of

information. I am concerned that many earlier assignments were driven by non-academic

Assessment Item 2 – MAN508: Organisational Strategy and Leadership


web sources such as,,, Marketing etc.


Assessment Criteria:

Your assignment will be assessed on multiple criteria including an ability to utilise

appropriate academic theories that can provide a framework for analysing various issues;

ability to develop and present an effective argument for the selected industry; ability to utilise

sources such as the Internet and University library facilities to search, locate and summarise

relevant information and data to develop and present your argument and an ability to

critically analyse information, formulate conclusions and exhibit original thought.


You must make an effort to use multiple sources of information in preparing your

assignment. These sources may include- articles from refereed journals (the most important

source), electronic database, newspapers, and in some cases (where feasible and

desirable) interviews with key stakeholders. Assignments will be assessed based on

demonstrated conceptual understanding, evidence of wide reading and research,

appropriate editing and consistent use of referencing.


Date Due: Friday, 27 May 2016

Assessment Value: 60% of final mark

Assessment Format: Typed double spaced with at least 2.5cm margins

following specified style requirements; Times New

Roman font 12.

2500-3000 words (plus appendices)

Reference Style: Harvard

Assignment text may be organized in either essay or report format. In either case it is

essential that you include a list of references.

Assessment Item 2 – MAN508: Organisational Strategy and Leadership


Plagiarism and Other Forms of Cheating: Plagiarism is a serious act of academic

misconduct. Please familiarize yourself with the University’s Policies on Examination and

Assessment, including plagiarism and other forms of cheating. Students must not submit

work that has previously been submitted for this course or any other course.

Late Assignment Submission: I am sympathetic to unforseen personal and professional

problems that might arise from time to time. However students are expected to submit their

work by the due date to maintain a fair and equitable system.  Extensions will only be given

for medical or other serious reasons. Requests for extensions must be emailed to the

lecturer of the course, preferably before the due date.  Each request will be assessed on its

merits.  Late assignments (without prior arrangement) will be penalised by a 5% reduction

for each day the assignment is late.


Please retain a copy of all assignments submitted.

Assessment Item 2 – MAN508: Organisational Strategy and Leadership


Student Name: ………………………………………………………………………………..

Student Number: ……………………………………………………………………………..

Introduction  15

Clarity of problem and or issues

Outline of investigation method

Body  60

Review of current and relevant  literature

Extent of research effort

Quality of research

Nature of supporting evidence for arguments

Logical sequence

Arguments, critique and original thought

Conclusion  15

Whether all assessment items addressed

Appropriate recommendations (if any with justification)

Justifiable conclusion

Others items  10

Consistent layout and format

Evidence of careful editing

Accurate referencing



TOTAL  100

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