This assignment is based on the case study organization examined in your in-module group assignment.
Please read the following briefing notes carefully before starting your assignment and make sure that you adhere to the brief given aligning your answer to the questions set.
This post-module assignment is designed to allow you to demonstrate your learning from the topics covered on the module and from your further reading. The task below invites you to use Dairy Crest, the case study organisation used in the group activity on the final day of the module. This will illustrate your understanding and application of the theories, frameworks and tools covered in the module. You are also expected to research the organisation using any information about the organisation from the public domain. Company literature, web sources, newspaper articles, journals and other publications are all useful sources.
You should complete your assignment in no more than 4,000. Show the word count in your assignment and note that any work over 4,000 words may be disregarded. (WMG guidelines on word count can be seen on the intranet)