In this paper I will discuss how Planned Parenthood has improve the lives of many women by providing a safety net for women’s health, being economically friendly, and promoting a decrease in the social stigma surrounding abortion.
Many women are victims of cohesion or abuse, maybe they feel pressure from their husband, their boyfriend, or a member from society to maintain the baby and they do not realize until later that they do not have the option of providing or having a baby.
Planned Parenthood (n.d.) According to Lussenhop (2018), there was a woman who was heading down on a road trip with her boyfriend, however they had to make a quick stop at a local drug store in order for her to get a pregnancy test, then came to find out she was pregnant and devastated. She was a full time student and working many jobs to make ends meet. On the other hand, her boyfriend and herself cannot afford to have a child.
However, during her road trip she had went to the closest abortion clinic which indeed was Planned Parenthood and she had the right to obtain an abortion. In contrast, if the young woman was not able to connect to a clinic such as Planned Parenthood she would be dommed to do what many other women do which is having a self induced abortion.
The closure of Planned Parenthood will have many women take on an abortion of their own. According to Stephens (2016) There was an estimated of 119,000 searches of the exact phrase How to have a miscarriage or self abort, how to get methods of performing an abortion, such as with the coat hanger methods, how to retrieve contraceptives online of aborting oneself.There are many of ways these women can have a self induced abortion of their own within the usage of sharp objects,physical exertion, and abortifacients which is substances and herbs that goes into the body. Many women are so desperate to end the pregnancy without any help, They may ingest in drinking bleach, taking unhealthy herbal pills,or risking the lives of taking counterfeit abortion pills. Marty (2012) When women do not have access to a safe abortion they make the decision of their own while someone may give them partial advices or bad advices and then they do something incredibly unsafe out of desperation which can lead to death. A pregnancy is desperately beautiful and a desperately scary physical state to be in. These harmful actions can react on a women body and their reproductive system which kills many women.
A women has plenty of reasons to have an abortion. The pregnancy can cause many complications to her health or the fetus the women has no way to survive for birth which includes in having an infection or disease. US Department of Health and Human Services (n.d.) On the other hand, some women are not ready for a child mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually which includes women who has been sexually assaulted, a victim of incest, or teen pregnancy. Caring for a baby after one of these traumatic incident be damaging to a woman mentally and physically state of being.
It is important for women to have access to these sources in order to prevent them from having an unexpected pregnancy. According to Planned Parenthood (n.d.) Planned Parenthood is the nations largest provider for sex education, reaching 1.5 million people a year. Planned Parenthood is a great influence for many women because it help women to understand about their sexuality and healthy sexuality such as sexual decision making, pregnancy prevention, STI and HIV/AIDS prevention, healthy relationships, women dating and violence and decision making.
According to Jones & Jerman (2014) seeked an estimated of 11.2 million women between the ages of fourteen and fifty five uses oral contraceptive pills which is about eighteen percent of women. On behalf of the contraceptive pill women uses it for more than one reason. They uses the oral contraceptive pill for dysmenorrhea which is the medical term for cramps and to regulate their menstrual cycle with excessive bleeding which is the medical term of menorrhagia and can lead to many problems such as anemia which is one of the most biggest threat. Jones & Jerman (2014) Furthermore, the oral contraceptive these women receive can also reduce acne and hair growth which is on the upper lips, lower stomach, and back which is all from Planned Parenthood. Jones & Jerman (2014)
Economic Friendly
Moreover, Planned Parenthood has affordable health services which includes having plenty of options for women to seek medical care in which they cannot afford from a physician office due to the cost. Due to financial and economic crisis that some women may be facing Planned Parenthood makes it economic friendly for women. The Affordable Care Act is one of the reasons many women were able to access contraceptives, screenings, and health care services. According to Planned Parenthood (n.d.) more than 55 million women now have birth control without a copay, and helped women save an estimated $1.4 billion on the pill with the Affordable Care. On the other hand, According to Planned Parenthood (n.d.), Planned Parenthood engaged in a Federal Funding Program which is called Title X, if a women does not have health care Planned Parenthood (n.d.) makes it cost effective for women who cannot pay for their health and reproductive services. On contrast, Planned Parenthood (n.d.) helps illegal women by providing charity donation in order for them to pay for their services due to not having health care or insurance by working with payment plans in order for them to receive treatment and services while they are at risk of having financial crisis. Planned Parenthood (n.d.) makes it inexpensive in the long run for women and they are able to be tested on how and why they can and cannot carry out a pregnancy followed by health services they may need.
Decrease in Social Stigma
According to Planned Parenthood (n.d.) there goal is to support and empower women to feel confident and positive about their life. They offer pregnancy options counseling followed by post abortion counseling. Many women need these counseling services due to the stigma surrounding abortion. Society feels that having an abortion is wrong and unacceptable which leads on to a stigma for many women. There are phrases such as People who have abortions are evil, or It is a sin, and when society accepts these ideas it creates barriers for people who are in need of abortions. Kumar (2013) Another stigma many women have to put up with and face is society will judge a woman for having an abortion. These emotional reasonings needs to be taken in account, at times having an abortion seems like the best choice for many women.
Furthermore, Planned Parenthood (n.d.) takes on active role within their clients lives because they decrease their stress levels within many stigma that is portrayed by society because these women need to talk it out with an unbiased opinion with someone so they can process through all it is that they are feeling. Planned Parenthood (n.d.) is a good support system in place because it is extremely beneficial. Moreover, women who falls under these categories as listed above are in need of counseling. Many of these issues can impact a woman health, mind, and body. To continue, Planned Parenthood benefit many women who are going into for counseling addressing these concerns will gain a great sense of self awareness of who they really are and helping them battle the emotional distress they have in a healthier manner.
In closing, these contraceptives help foremost than the sexual side,whether it is medical or social reasonings a women body is her own to do with what she pleases and what she deems fit. To continue on, taking away the right to oral contraceptive pills and abortion is unfair and risky to many women health. When laws are recorded we have to think about not just the obvious cases but the traumatic cases, we also have to think about when laws can be misused and misinterpreted and they are many cases when a woman does not know she is pregnant until well into her pregnancy which needs be taken into considerations.
Moreover, Maintaining Planned Parenthood relieves many women from stress and the amount of burden and difficulties they have to go through within their bodies and society. At the end, Planned Parenthood offers many options for women to feel secure and confident to make the best decision for their life The women is the vessel carrying this child and until this child is ready to come out of her, it is her body, it is her choice, and there are her rights.