This unit focuses on the practice of occupational health within national and international frameworks.
It explores issues such as the physical, social and mental impact of the occupational environment on
health and includes the human body’s response to occupational health hazard exposure through
toxicological and epidemiological principles. Strategies for the management of occupational health
are examined, together with methods of monitoring and evaluating occupational health programs.
For a 10 credit point unit, you are expected to study 10 hours per week for 14 weeks on that unit.
Workshop attendance is strongly recommended and students should attend, especially those who
do not have a thorough knowledge of the OHM discipline. Students who do not attend may find
themselves at risk of not passing the unit.
Online Learning Requirements
Unit materials will be made available on the unit’s vUWS (E-Learning) site and students will need
access to a computer for accessing web based resources and the undertaking of assessments as
well as basic keyboarding skills comprising full knowledge of Microsoft Word. Excel may be
necessary for some assignments. (For those students who don’t have access to a computer………………