The success of City Air International relies heavily on appreciating their customers by confirming that all their needs and desires are met in every way. Therefore, City air International gives strong prominence to their marketing efforts to ensure that. Along with customer satisfaction, City air International makes assured, that the business makes money. Hence, the first task is to understand our consumers from every aspect. In this regard, City air International has tried to gain a thorough understanding of their competitive environment and continuously strive to develop unique business ideas to make their business a success.
Consequently, City air International has successfully accomplished a broad range of loyal customers, to whom air ticket and tours packages has gained extreme popularity. In order to expand this range, City Air International marketing team is involved in developing new package tours and concepts all the time. Particularly, not only do they make good packages, they are also famous for providing great service and traveling experience, to give their valued customers more reasons, to return.
Keys to Success
The keys to City Air International Tours success will indisputably be effective market segmentation through documentation of several niche markets and implementation strategies. Along these lines the company intends to implement advertising, personal selling and direct marketing strategies to the target markets. City personal selling marketing strategies will rotate around keeping in touch with hotels and travel agencies for major customers, and advertising for more individual customers. Hence citys key success factors will include the following:
1. Excellence in fulfilling the promise: City air International anticipates to offer completely enjoyable, comfortable and educational travel excursions that will make sure that travelers are thoroughly satisfied and indebted at the end of their trip.
2. Timely response to customers’ requests: City air International cannot afford to interrupt their clients for whatsoever reason, as this will have a negative behavior on their image and reputation, as well as future business. Henceforth they need to be continually communicating with the client, including hotels and lodges so as to ensure that they are continually available to the client meeting their expectations.
3. Solid and fruitful strategic alliances: Bearing in mind the nature of their services and their relative infancy on the market, City air International understand the importance of establishing and maintaining fruitful strategic alliances with various stakeholders, including hotels, lodges, and travel agencies, amongst others, so as be secure of an unbroken flow of customers, fulfilling their needs at every opportunity.
4. Marketing know-how: As a comparatively new company on the market there will be a need to aggressively market their business and the services they deliver so as to be unceasingly at the top of their prospective customers minds. This will also act as a temporary warning for companies contemplating entering tourism market. Advertising shall be assumed on a regular basis.
Before introducing any new tour packages, City air International has conduct extensive research to find out:
What people think about traveling? (what role do they play in people’s lives, when do they buy them and so on)
What do they like about travelling?
What do they dislike about travelling?
What do they want from travel agency?
What are the expectations about our services, when they enter into our sales store?
This information is collected together and used to generate ideas for prototypes. The ideas are tested first, before introducing new tour packages. Once City Air International has perfected the tour package programs, they launch.
Due to the vast success of their leading travel agency in Bijoy Nagor, and huge demand from their consumers, opening of new stores in different location are already under way. and from this experience their marketing team has the recognition and understanding of-
Cultural influences
Governmental and political influences
Demographic and lifestyle trends
Local and national economic trends
Marketing is the energetic part in any business. Without ensuing good marketing strategy, any business cant be industrialized. Marketing segment there are some parts of marketing. Such as-
Marketing Analysis Summary:
City Air International today undergoing a rapid growth in the economy of supreme nature. This has been brought about by, amongst other things, the reduction of foreign exchange policies and macroeconomic policies geared towards appealing foreign investors into the country. The fiscal and monetary policies of the government geared towards maintaining growth with social justice have largely subsidized towards this. The current initiative and emphasis by the government on diversification of the industrial base away from the minerals sector presents an opportunity for travel agencies to make a valuable contribution towards achieving this goal. Taking undertaken a thorough and comprehensive research of the market City Air International comprehended that there was a need for a tours operator that focuses on providing leisure excursions to tourists. Though there are other big tours operators currently on the market, some of whom have been in existence for a relatively long period of time, City air International believe that there is a market need for one that specializes on providing comfortable and enjoyable tour packages for tourists and visitors. This, also considering the fact that, possibly Bangladeshis richest natural resource, the tourism industry is becoming an increasingly main player in the economy and may in the long term prove even more valuable than mineral resources in earning foreign exchange. Aware of the fact that operating in such a market is largely dependent on good networking, City air International anticipate to establish networks and strategic relationships with various hotels, lodges to make sure a steady stream of clients. Nevertheless, in so doing we expect to confirm that the service we provide is of particularly high quality and comfortable. City Airs generally target market share shall be 10% of the market, mainly focusing on the greater domestic and abroad market. City air International escalate that entering of a foreign market is not a ‘bed of roses’ and will require us founding strong links with strategic partners as outlined formerly. Therefore, City Air International anticipates to implement an aggressive marketing tactic, well supported by the other business functions. The above prognosis influenced city airs decision to enter the airline and tourist transport industry.
Changes in the Market:
In the past, travel agencies were ongoing on the basis of Hajji Program. But now a days not only Hajji Program are the main menu but also Omrah, domestic tours, vacation tours, employment visa traveler are the leading customer for agency business.
2. Market Segmentation:
Main segments which city airs has captured the combination of higher incomes and dual career families, owing to higher income consumer have more disposable income, allowing them to travel out more often. City air International also segments a group which belongs to middle class group. Because this groups are significant in volume.
City air International holds the substantial market share in the tourism industry, the perceived quality and service of the company will help to ensure a better the average chance at a successful introduction of a new packages. The introduction of packages that keeps with today trends is also important to reduce the risk of failure.
City air International will be focusing on those Bangladeshi and foreign tourists pursuing leisure travel and excursions while on vacation in foreign, with the purpose of letting them see and escalate the numerous attractions in our country. Therefore, the need to professionally market their selves and the services City air International provide, offering a service of uncompromised nature. Thats why Market segmentation is very important for business. So they have divided the market on the basis of four market segmentations. They are-
Demographic segment.
Geographic segment.
Psychographics segment.
Product related segment.
Demographic: Demographic segmentation bases divide a market in terms of personal characteristics. City air International will make demographic segmentation according to this-
All ages of people are welcome.
Middle class to higher class.
Service man, businessman.
City air International will accept all types of family like regular and extended family who wish to travel.
Geographic Segment:
Geographic segmentation is one of the fundamentals in market segmentation. So City Air International will make a nice geographic segmentation. City air International will be opened at bijoy nagor commercial area because of population density, good transportation system, improved roads and highways.
Psychographics is another important element for both customers and owners. Products and services are provided on the basis of-
Persons attitudes.
3) Target Market Segment Strategy
Target market is a cluster to which a firm directs its marketing activities. Deciding on a target market is crucial in developing an effective marketing strategy. City Airs marketing strategy will be based generally on making the right services available to the right target customer. We will make sure that our services prices take into consideration organizations. The marketing will convey the sense of quality in every picture, every promotion, and every publication. Citys intension will be to target those individuals and groups looking for leisure activities and places to visit. City air comprehends the need to focus their marketing message and their service offerings. City air need to improve their message, communicate it, and make good on it. The decision to launch strategic alliances with several hotels, lodges and tour agencies is aimed at tapping their target market effectively and efficiently. City air International will divide their target market in two categories.
Work Basis.
4) Customers Characteristics and Needs
In all businesses, customer is the rudimentary thing. Without customer, City air International cant do any business. So City Air International has to give highlighting on customers behavior and needs. According to market research, City air International has found customers characteristics and needs. Such as: –
Customers were going to the City Air International for buying Air tickets, tour packages.
Customers want to seat advance booking facilities.
Customers want Immediate reservation confirmation on their travel and accommodation.
Customer requirements quality packages and air tickets at a cheaper rate.
Customers want extra service from travel agent authority. City air International will provide that types of services.
After opening City Air International, they will try to best to deliver Air ticketing and tour packages services to meet up these types of needs and demands.