My Life According to Erik Erikson Essay

Allow me to relay to everyone the stages I went through in my life based on “Erik Erikson’s Developmental Theory” (Newman, 2009, pp.

16 – 40). Here, I will mention the developmental milestones and successes that I experienced: The first stage is known as “Infancy” which begins from “birth to eighteen months” wherein according to Erik Erikson, is the stage where an individual’s crisis will be on “trust vs. mistrust” (Wagner, 2009, p. 1). During this stage, I believe I have succeeded and learned to trust because of the person who constantly took care of me (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40).

My mother, for sure, has always been there for me: providing me with all the essential things I need like food, water, milk, clothing, shelter, etcetera; making sure that I am free from harm & diseases; and ensuring that she is there no matter what happens (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40). Through instincts, this made me realize that I will be okay and that the world or environment is a safe one, thus, I learned to trust (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40). The second stage which is technically referred to as “early childhood” covers “eighteen months to three years” (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40). The crisis that an individual is faced with during this stage is known as “autonomy vs. shame” (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40).

Here, I have to “defecate” alone; my mommy no longer has to buy diapers for me because I can already tell her when I need to “defecate” (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40). Learning this task made me realize that I already have self-control and since I am already courageous enough to defecate alone, I have also conquered “shame”; I know I am already capable of doing something and that boosted my self-esteem thus I achieved “autonomy” instead of “shame” (or being ashamed) (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40). The third stage is from “three to five years” or the “play age” wherein a person’s “ego development outcome” would either be “initiative” or guilt” (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40).

Here, I have imagined that “Barney, Baby Bop, and BJ” would come along and play with me; I have learned so many things with them including some of the big “Why” questions I had (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40). Through role playing, I have also learned that there are some who are not like me; there are boys and there are also girls (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40). I have somehow realized that one is made for a purpose, for instance boys are supposed to act like this while girls, the other way around (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40). Such role playing made me take the initiative to carry out my “natural desires” which is why I have conquered “unnecessary” guilt (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40).

The fourth stage is the “school age” which is from “six to twelve years old” (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40). Here, one has to develop the strengths known as “method and competence” because the crisis that an individual faces during this stage is “industry vs. inferiority” (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40). During this stage, I have learned that I can no longer just go to my parents when I have dilemmas; I have to find a way and be “competent” in order for my peers not to make me feel “inferior” (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40). I developed a sense of industry during this phase because I kept on learning and I was always willing to do anything just to learn/acquire new skills which was one of the reasons why I always have excellent grades, thus I have conquered “inferiority” early on (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40).

The fifth stage is known as “adolescence” (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40). I have acquired the strengths known as “devotion and fidelity” during my adolescent years (12 – 18 years), that’s why I have managed to go through the crisis “identity vs. role confusion” with ease (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40). Friends played a large role in this stage of my life since I discovered who I am as an individual through my interactions with them; I came to know what makes me weak, as well as, what I can do to pick myself up etcetera.

I have been successful in discovering my identity, thus, I did not experience “role confusion” (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40). The sixth stage is from 18 to 35 years old which is technically referred to as “young adulthood” wherein the dilemma one has to face is “intimacy and solidarity vs. isolation” (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40).

Fortunately, I have experienced love already; it has been a “reciprocally fulfilling” one which is why I have not felt “isolation” (Newman, 2009, pp. 16 – 40). The seventh and eighth stages are phases wherein the crises to be faced are generativity vs. stagnation and integrity vs. despair, respectively (Syque, 2009, n.p.). I would gladly relay my experiences on this to everyone; however, I have not yet reached these stages.

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