Most states regulate the public service sector as it is the cornerstone Essay

Most states regulate the public service sector, as it is the cornerstone of the state administrative sector. It is vitally important in the achievement of management objectives in the development of the economic, social, educational, and political facilities, which serve the public interest, and are the route to the development and prosperity of society.Public funds are the main agents in the management of facilities; the legislator, therefore, harnesses all available legal means to provide the necessary protection to the public funds against any abuse or unfair use of management authority, for example, and to prevent adverse impact in moral and material domains.

This includes providing the necessary safeguards to protect these funds against corruption; the legislative authority has a right to stop any action against the public funds, a right which can be found in the legal system, and can withdraw or cancel any action which breaks the principle of legality and which meets only personal interests without public interest.

The intervention of the judiciary secures those funds, achieved in accordance with legal procedures and subject to the terms and rules set by the law of the Administrative Court, and any breach of any of these procedures is not acceptable There is no doubt that the most important of those funds covered by the legislature aims to achieve high protection of public funds . Public sector employees, for example, are harnessed to serve the administration with dedication and sincerity, while their skills are developed to reach the overarching goals aspired to by the Administration, and therefore any act or conduct by the management aiming to damage these funds , is a deadly weapon to the People”management relationship. As a consequence, a loss of confidence arises between the two parties, which negatively affects productivity, and leads to a decline in the quality of services and products, and risks the employing organisation failing to achieve their goals (Suleiman, 1979). Aim of this studyOman is of particular interest in corruption regard, as it is has a reliably new legal system in combat corruption and research in the field is limited therefore, The main objective of this study, therefore, is to investigate the means provided by the legislature to protect the public funds in general, and specifically the role of Oman council and other censorship organs to combat corruption.I propose to investigate the means provided by the legislature to protect the public funds, from two sides: legally, through regulatory legislative texts, and judiciously, by addressing the key provisions and principles set by the judiciary in Oman and consider topics below,-Discover the current reality of the efforts of the Oman Council to combat corruption- Identify the obstacles and problems facing the anti-corruption process in the Sultanate of Oman- Identify the experience of some units of the government sector to combat corruption and the effectiveness of these efforts or not- Identify the most important requirements for change in anti-corruption policies and strategies in Oman- Test the validity or error of the hypotheses of the study on a random sample of the administrative community in OmanSignificance of the research and contribution to knowledgeThe academic and theoretical importance of researchDue to the paucity of legal research on the subject of administrative and financial corruption within Omani legislation, this study will make a significant contribution to academic knowledge of the development and underpinnings of Omani law in respect of combat corruption. Specifically, through addressing the question of the protection of the to protect public funds from misuse of public officials of their authorities from the perspective of the Omani Law and the provisions of the Courts, a new understanding of this field will be developed.The practical importance of researchThis study will be significant to Omani legal practice in emphasizing the need to provide factors of trust and confidence and stability for the public, regardless of degree or rank in the career ladder of public officials in the state administration. The research findings will contribute to the development of proposals to the Omani Government specially, Oman council and other censorship organs. Reasons for choosing the topic:The legal analysis of the role of the Oman Council and other censorship organs anti-corruption will help to find solutions to some of the legal obstacles in applying the texts related to the powers of the Council and other organs, and to fill gaps that may contribute to the increase in corruption issues and help to define their specialties accurately, thus enhancing confidence and integrity Research ProblemsStudy the experience of the Oman Council and other censorship organs anti-corruption in promoting the values of integrity and transparency, and analyse the effectiveness of its role in combating corruption to reach the conviction that the necessary measures should be taken to exercise its supervisory powers widely and hopefully by the legislator and the people, and to combine the theoretical and the practical reality by testing the hypothesis of this study and answering the questions. , And to find solutions to the problematic imbalance in the distribution of powers between the state regulatory organs and try to address the lack of provisions of the current legislation.Research Questions The central questions of this research are whether the means provided by Oman council and other censorship organs enough to combat corruption. Is there essential and necessary requirements for changing anti-corruption current policies and strategies in Oman? How does this differ between the four state authorities, and how this difference ultimately affects the role of the Oman Council and other regulatory organs in promoting the values of integrity, transparency and accountability to reduce corruption? To answer the above two questions, I anticipate my thesis contain three main chapters: an introductory chapter in which the concept of A preliminary chapter in which the concept of corruption, its types, indicators, and ways of combating it in legal terms are discussed. While the first chapter will deal with the legal system of public funds in Omani legislation, the second chapter will analyse the change in anti-corruption policies and strategies in Oman compare to United Nations Convention against Corruption. . The final chapter will explain the results of the field study of research hypotheses that will be applied to a random sample of the administrative community in the Sultanate of Oman. After concluding findings, the research will provide recommendations for improving legal practice in Oman, where appropriate.

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