Money Laundering

“The use of confiscation orders under Part II of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 has not proved successful but changes to the regime to be introduced by the Serious Crime Act 2015 should make the use of such orders more effective.” Critically evaluate this statement.

I would like you to use Academic opinions AND arguments, and argue with the question a lot. Also as this is a law module if you can keep the work legal also try to use many cases as possible show knowledge and understanding of the area.

Please keep to the word count – (including footnotes but excluding bibliography. don’t go over the word limit please

below are some guide lines from the university which i would like to follow please to help obtain the best grade

q be based on your sound understanding and application of the relevant law
q set out your conclusions clearly and prominently
q explains the conclusions you have reached
q be based on your sound and practical analysis of the relevant law and practice, and the issues raised by the question
q be justified by your own sound reasoning
q demonstrate your critical analysis and evaluation of the sources used.

Merely quoting large extracts from other sources will not satisfy these criteria.

In assessing coursework and dissertations, assessors will have regard to the following criteria:
a. Identifies and focuses on the key issues and themes raised by the question
b. Uses the relevant law to answer the specific question asked
c. Does not refer to irrelevant material
d. Avoids inaccuracies of fact and law.

a. Shows a deep understanding of relevant principles and key cases
b. Uses appropriate examples to illustrate points and justify arguments
c. Applies relevant authorities to the issues in a practical manner.

a. Deals with relevant issues in a logical order
b. Presents logical argument(s)
c. Avoids repetition
d. Shows good grammar and style
e. Has appropriate physical layout.

a. Distinguishes between important and unimportant facts
b. Explains why a particular fact/issue/authority is important
c. Does not simply take a fact/issue/authority at face value (lacks analysis)
d. Does not simply state a fact/issue/authority (merely descriptive)
e. Weighs up different positions and reaches conclusions.

5. USE and ATTRIBUTION of appropriate material
a. Uses basic texts and module materials appropriately
b. Cites sources appropriately and precisely
c. Shows evidence of wider, independent, reading, going beyond basic texts and module materials.

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