CHAPTER THREEMETHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY3.1Description of Study Area The study will be conducted in South west Ethiopia super league Football Clubs. in Jimma Zone, Jimma Town Administration, in Kaffa Zone Bonga Town Administration, and Bechimaji Zone Mizan aman Town Administration. 3.2. Research Design A cross-sectional survey research design will found to be more appropriate for addressing the intended purpose of this study, because the study entails data collection from different groups of target population at liberty to respond to questions3.3. Study Participants No Clubs Administration workers Coaches Players Physiotherapist Total1 Jimma Ababuna 6 2 25 1 342 Kafa coffe 6 2 25 1 343 Bechi Maji coffe 6 2 25 1 34 Total 18 6 75 3 102Participants in this study were management (administration workers), coaches, players and medical staff (physiotherapist) of three football clubs participating in 2018/19 (2011 E.

C) tournament of the Ethiopian super League. Table.No.1: Number of study participantsThe three clubs selected for this study are shown in table no. 2 and a total of one hundred two participants responded to the questionnaire. These participants encompass eighteen administration workers, six coaches; seventy five players and three physiotherapists were included in this study from all clubs.

The administration staff of the football clubs which were included in this study comprises club president, club managers, technique directors, technique officer, Team leader, and Finance officer.3.4. Sampling Size and Sampling Techniques.The south, west Ethiopia super, league football club is the one among classifies into three super league football clubs groups found in Ethiopia. In this group there are 12 football clubs namely, Hadiya Hossana, Silte Worabe, Butajera Ketma, Benich Maji coffe Jimma Ababuna, Negele Kenema, Shishicho Kenema, Kaffa Buna, Nekemit Kenema , Shashemene Kenema, Arsi Negele participants in South west Ethiopia zone super league football clubs. However due to difficulty to asses and address all of this clubs. The researcher will employ purposive sampling procedure by classifying in fourth South west Ethiopia super league football clubs levels as Jimma Ababuna, Kafa Coffee, and Benich Maji Coffee football Clubs selected with purposive sampling techniques. The total population of this study includes players, coaches, assistant coaches and The administration staff of the football clubs which were included in this study comprises club president, club managers, technique directors, technique officer, Team leader, and Finance officer. were primary data of the study, the researcher believes that it will essential to include the practical experienced clubs to obtain relevant information about the issue under investigation out of these total target population of this research is 102 participants included players 75, coaches 3, assistant coaches 3 and administrators staffs (managers) 21 will be selected super league football clubs.Table 2 Sample techniques Participant Sample Methods Clubs administrators staffs (managers) 27 Purposive Players 75 Censes3.5. Source of Data Data will be obtained from several sources. Depending on the source, data can be classified as primary and secondary data. Primary data means data measured or collected by the investigator or researcher directly from the source. The secondary data were collected from internal source of the clubs’ profile and external sources from internet, book, annual, monthly reports of Ethiopian Football Federation and different research results conducted on the issue.3.6. Instrumentation of Data CollectionThis study followed both qualitative and quantitative research design to obtain complete data for the study. The instrument of data collection to conduct this research will be questionnaire and interview. So as to get reliable information, the researcher will tried to make smooth relationship and friendly social chain with the respondents in the study area. In addition to this different participatory approach were used to ensure the appropriateness of the data. Therefore, based on this process, sundered questionnaires and interview will be administrated for selected respondents for this study. 3.6.1. Questionnaire Questionnaires will be used as the major instrument to collect sufficient information from the data source of the study. Questionnaires were prepared for two groups of respondents. Questionnaires for both groups of respondents will be designed in order to elicit their view concerning major practice and challenges that influence the development of clubs management the questionnaires were both close and open ended items. The questionnaires will be prepared for players in Amharic language finally translated to English language.3.6.2. Interview In-depth interview will be employed with intention of getting better information about major practice and challenges that influence the development of clubs management in the study area to the key informants they will be selected purposively, because in-depth interviews can provide much more detailed information than other data collection methods. The researcher will be conducted interview in a very suitable setting in order to allow an informant feel free and assumes that they are in the natural way of interaction rather than serious conditions. The researcher will administer the same open-ended question for interviewees; this approach facilitates faster interviews that can be more easily analyzed and it will be focused on the line of major practice and challenges that influence the development of clubs management in the study area. 3.7. Procedure of data collectionData will be collected using structured administered questionnaire to the selected football cubs administrators and players and semi structured interview to key informants in Jimma Ababuna, Kafa Coffee, and Bench Maji Coffee Football Clubs 3.8. Method of Data Analysis and Interpretation3.8.1. Descriptive statisticsIn this descriptive survey study descriptive analysis will be used in terms of frequency. Analysis of data will be depending on the information gathered from different sources. The questionnaires will manually sort out by editing, classifying and coding by using SPSS 21 version software for further analysis. On the other hand, descriptive type of analysis will also use to analyze qualitative data and to enrich and show quantitative information specifically on the practice and challenges of their club management in the selected clubs. Finally, based on the findings of this study, the results and discussion of the study will be conducted and also its conclusion and recommendation will be formulated. 3.9. Ethical Clearance An ethical concern is one of the most important things in a research. It is related mostly with confidentiality as well as with efforts to guarantee and to reduce possible risks and dangers for the participants in the time of field work research to the respondents. All the study participants will be informed about the purpose of the study and finally their permission will be obtained before the actual data collection process started. The researcher also will try to make the respondents at ease when they feel stress and did not want answer questions by omit the question for later time consumption, these stances played a significant role to the development of trustful relationships and to the collection of rich and meaningful data from the field. Above all, the researcher will made an attempt to develop a sense of trust and gain the genuine permission of all of the participants of the study including confidentiality of their information, the information provided by each respondent will be kept confidential in order to safeguard them fromCHAPTER FOURTIME AND COST BUDGET4.1. Time PlanThe research paper is expected to be completed within one year. So, the research activities and expected implementation period is presented as follows. Work plane is timetable explaining how the researcher expects to carry out his project. It is a plan in terms of number of week or months and expected completion dates. Commonly researchers present it in a table formNo Research Activity Time frame Nov. Dec Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June.1 Title selection 2 Literature review 3 Preparation of proposal 4 First draft proposal submission 5 Proposal defense 6 Data collection 7 Data entry and Analysis 8 First draft thesis submission 9 Report writing 10 Submission andPresentation 4.2. Cost Budget No. Description of items Unit Quantity Unit cost in birr Total cost in birr1 Stationary Paper Packet 4 125 500 Pen Packet 5 1000 Pencil Packet 1 2 200 Note books(pad) 5 100 5002 Data collection – – 3000 30003 Flash No. 2 500 10004 Bindery No. 2 80 1605 Transportation cost – – 8000 80006 Utility expense 1500 15007 Food expense – – 5000 50007 Miscellaneous expense 2000 20008 Printing and binding 2,000.00 24,860.00 Sub Total Contingency (5%) 5%*24860 1243 1243 Grand Total 26103 The expected cost will be incurred in the process of accomplishing the study. These costs are generalized as follow: Expenses for data collection, traveling and other items needed to be detailed5.REFERNCESDawson PM, Dobson SM, Gerrard B.(2000).Estimating coaching efficiency in professional team sports: Evidence from English association football.Perry B. 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