
Te Hoe Pakihi

Department of Business

Bachelor of Applied Management

New Zealand Diploma in Business



Assessment Two:

Assignment, Marketing Plan Part B


Marketing Planning and Control



Marketing Planning and Control



Semester Two 2016


Due date:  Monday 17 October 2016


Time:  9:00 am in class



See page 2.

This is a Group Assignment (pairs).



TASKS               TOPIC                                    MARKS

1                          Marketing Objectives                       14

2                          Marketing Strategies                        20

3                          Product Tactics                                15

4                          Price Tactics                                    15

5                          Distribution Tactics                           15

6                          Promotion Tactics                            15

Presentation                                                                    6

TOTAL MARKS:                                                       100




Student Name/ID  ………………………………………………………………………………………………



Ara Institute of Canterbury and its division members reserve the right to use electronic means to detect and help prevent plagiarism.  Students agree that when submitting this assignment, it may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to

All assessments must be completed by the scheduled date unless alternative arrangements have been made with your lecturer. No late submissions will be accepted by the lecturer unless by prior arrangement. Any late submissions must be submitted by means of application to the Academic Manager for consideration and must include a letter of explanation as to why the assessment is late.  Late penalties may apply.

This assignment is worth 35% of the total marks for this course.

This paper has ten (10) pages including the cover sheet.



Purpose (Assessment of Learning Outcomes)


Learning Outcome 2:  Developing Marketing Objectives, Strategies and Tactics


The purpose of this assignment is to assess students’ ability to develop marketing objectives, strategies and tactics for their chosen business.


This assignment is a continuation from assessment one (Marketing plan part A).  Part A was the situational analysis.





You are to complete tasks 1 – 6 based on the situation analysis completed for the business selected in Assessment 1, (Marketing Plan Part A).


As this assessment is aimed at your selected target market from assignment one ensure only one (1) segment is targeted.


  • Please note that your assignment can only be assessed within the context of your industry, business and its situation analysis.
  • Based on the feedback that you have received from Assignment 1 Marketing Plan Part A, you may need to update your descriptions of your industry and company, but you may not change the company.
  • You may review and update or totally change your situation analysis. Note these will not be re marked but will assist in ensuring the right direction for your marketing plan.


This is an individual assessment.  Ensure you submit the updated marketing plan part A with this assessment.  Part A is the start of the marketing plan and part B continues on from the end of part A.  Ensure your plan has the appropriate layout, correct spelling and grammar and is within the word limit.


Students are not to contact the staff of their chosen business in order to gather any information.  This includes face-to-face conversations, emails, letters, texts and phone calls.  Students are, however, encouraged to visit a branch of the business where possible, study their website and consider various media in order to observe their visible marketing tactics.





This assignment has a maximum of 3000 words.  For each section of your assignment, use the task headings as your headings:


You should provide a word count at the end of your assignment.  Students are expected to support their points and acknowledge their research sources.  This requires the use of in-text citations and a list of references be included as part of this assignment.  In-text citations and the reference list are NOT included as part of your word limit.


Please submit the printed document together with a suitable cover page and a completed green student submission form attached and submit a soft-copy to Turn-it-in drop box provided on the course Moodle site.






  • Marketing Objectives:


  • Develop two (2) measurable marketing objectives for the business. The marketing objectives need to clearly express what the marketing plan is to achieve.  The objectives must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound (SMART).


  • Explain why the objectives that you have developed are relevant for the organisation. You should make reference to the situation analysis that you completed in Assignment 1.

(14 marks)



  • Marketing Strategies:


Using either Ansoff’s Grid and/or Porter’s Generic Strategies, recommend two (2) strategies that could be implemented to achieve one (1) of the objectives you have developed in Task 1.


Justify for each of the two (2) strategies how it will achieve the marketing objective.

(20 marks)



  • Product Tactics:


  • Evaluate the businesses existing product tactics in terms of:


  • Attractiveness to your chosen target market; and
  • Likely effectiveness in achieving the marketing objectives you have developed in Task 1, consistency with the strategies that you have recommended in Task 2, and consistency with other elements of the marketing mix.


  • Suggest two (2) specific improvements to the organisation’s product tactics and justify why you think these suggestions will be effective.

(15 marks)



  • Pricing Tactics:


  • Evaluate the businesses existing pricing tactics in terms of:


  • Attractiveness to your chosen target market; and
  • Likely effectiveness in achieving the marketing objectives you have developed in Task 1, consistency with the strategies that you have recommended in Task 2, and consistency with other elements of the marketing mix.


  • Suggest two (2) specific improvements to the organisation’s pricing tactics and justify why you think these suggestions will be effective.

(15 marks)



  • Distribution Tactics:


  • Evaluate the businesses existing distribution tactics in terms of:


  • Attractiveness to your chosen target market; and
  • Likely effectiveness in achieving the marketing objectives you have developed in Task 1, consistency with the strategies that you have recommended in Task 2, and consistency with other elements of the marketing mix.


  • Suggest Two (2) specific improvements to the organisation’s distribution tactics and justify why you think these suggestions will be effective.

(15 marks)



  • Promotion Tactics:


  • Evaluate the businesses existing promotion tactics in terms of:


  • Attractiveness to your chosen target market; and
  • Likely effectiveness in achieving the marketing objectives you have developed in Task 1, consistency with the strategies that you have recommended in Task 2, and consistency with other elements of the marketing mix.


  • Suggest Two (2) specific improvements to the organisation’s promotion tactics and justify why you think these suggestions will be effective.

(15 marks)




  • Presentation and referencing


Appropriate layout, correct spelling and grammar and is within the word limit.  Correct in line APA referencing and set sources accurately out in reference list according to APA rules 6th edition.

(6 marks)



Student Feedback Form


Student Name: __________________________________ ID number:______________________


Description Marks allocated Your mark(s)
1              Marketing objectives


2              Marketing strategies


3              Product tactics


4              Price tactics


5              Distribution tactics


6              Promotion tactics


Presentation and referencing

14 marks


20 marks


15 marks


15 marks


15 marks


15 marks


6 marks

TOTAL 100 Marks  































MARKING SCHEDULE AMMP648/NZDB648 Assessment 2 Part B – Semester 1 2016

Student name: _______________________________ ___ Student ID:  ________________


Q.1(a)(i) 0-1 marks 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks Mark
1st Smart Objective Marketing Objective may be unclear, it is not a marketing objective, and it is not in the SMART format Marketing objective is clear, it may not be a marketing objective, an attempt has to use SMART format, but there are errors in both presentation & design Marketing objective is clear, it is a marketing objective and it is mostly in the SMART format, but there may be some small errors in either presentation or design Marketing objective is clear, related to marketing, and both presentation & design of SMART objectives is excellent  
Q.1(a)(ii) 0-1 marks 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks Mark
2nd Smart Objective Marketing Objective may be unclear, it is not a marketing objective, and it is not in the SMART format Marketing objective is clear, it may not be a marketing objective, an attempt has to use SMART format, but there are errors in both presentation & design Marketing objective is clear, it is a marketing objective and it is mostly in the SMART format, but there may be some small errors in either presentation or design Marketing objective is clear, related to marketing, and both presentation & design of SMART objectives is excellent  
Q.1(b) 0-1 marks 2 marks 3-4 marks 5-6 marks Mark
Explanation of marketing objectives Little or no attempt to explain marketing objectives or explanation is very unclear. Little or no reference to situation analysis A reasonable explanation of one or both marketing objective(s), but the reason why the objective has been chosen may be unclear. Some reference to situational analysis but this may not be appropriate. Good explanation of one marketing objectives. Appropriate reference to situational analysis but may lack depth. Less satisfactory explanation of the other objective. Good or Excellent explanation of both marketing objectives. Strong and appropriate references to situational analysis in explaining objectives  
Q.2(i) 0-2 marks 3-5 marks 6-8 marks 9-10 Marks Mark
1st Strategy Strategy may or may not be recommended, but little or no justification as to why the strategy has been recommended Strategy recommended, there is some justification as to why the strategy has been recommended but this may not be consistent with the marketing objective Strategy recommended, good justification as to why the strategy has been recommended and is consistent with the marketing objective. May lack depth Strategy recommended, excellent in-depth justification as to why the strategy has been recommended  



Q.2(ii) 0-2 marks 3-5 marks 6-8 marks 9-10 Marks Mark
2nd Strategy



Strategy may or may not be recommended, but little or no justification as to why the strategy has been recommended Strategy recommended, there is some justification as to why the strategy has been recommended but this may not be consistent with the marketing objective Strategy recommended, good justification as to why the strategy has been recommended and is consistent with the marketing objective. May lack depth Strategy recommended, excellent in-depth justification as to why the strategy has been recommended  
Q.3(a)(i) <1 mark 1 mark 1.5 marks 2 marks Mark
Evaluation of product tactics – target market Little or no attempt to evaluate product tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market Attempt made to evaluate product tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market. May lack relevance or conclusion may not be reached Good evaluation of product tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market. Conclusion may not be reached Excellent and comprehensive evaluation of product tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market. Conclusion reached  
Q.3(a)(ii) <1 mark 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks Mark
Evaluation of product tactics – objectives and strategy Little or no attempt to evaluate product tactics vis-à-vis objectives and strategy Attempt made to evaluate product tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to objectives and strategy. May lack relevance or conclusion may not be reached Good evaluation of product tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to objectives and strategy Conclusion may not be reached Excellent and comprehensive evaluation of product tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to objectives and strategy. Conclusion reached  
Q.3(b)(i) 0-1 marks 2-3 marks 4 marks 5 marks Mark
1st product tactic improvement Product improvement may or may not be suggested. Little or no justification for the choice of tactic. Some attempt to justify the suggested product tactic. This may not be grounded in theory, or does not argue why the tactic will be effective A good justification of suggested product improvement that is related to theory and/or makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective Excellent justification of suggested product improvement that is related to theory and makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective  
Q.3(b)(ii) 0-1 marks 2-3 marks 4 marks 5 marks Mark
2nd product tactic improvement Product improvement may or may not be suggested. Little or no justification for the choice of tactic. Some attempt to justify the suggested product tactic. This may not be grounded in theory, or does not argue why the tactic will be effective A good justification of suggested product improvement that is related to theory and/or makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective Excellent justification of suggested product improvement that is related to theory and makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective  



Q.4(a)(i) <1 mark 1 mark 1.5 marks 2 marks Mark
Evaluation of pricing tactics – target market Little or no attempt to evaluate pricing tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market Attempt made to evaluate pricing tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market. May lack relevance or conclusion may not be reached Good evaluation of pricing tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market. Conclusion may not be reached Excellent and comprehensive evaluation of pricing tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market. Conclusion reached  
Q.4(a)(ii) <1 mark 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks Mark
Evaluation of pricing tactics – objectives and strategy Little or no attempt to evaluate pricing tactics vis-à-vis objectives and strategy Attempt made to evaluate pricing tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to objectives and strategy. May lack relevance or conclusion may not be reached Good evaluation of pricing tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to objectives and strategy Conclusion may not be reached Excellent and comprehensive evaluation of pricing tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to objectives and strategy. Conclusion reached  
Q.4(b)(i) 0-1 marks 2-3 marks 4 marks 5 marks Mark
1st pricing tactic improvement Pricing improvement may or may not be suggested. Little or no justification for the choice of tactic. Some attempt to justify the suggested pricing tactic. This may not be grounded in theory, or does not argue why the tactic will be effective A good justification of suggested product improvement that is related to theory and/or makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective Excellent justification of suggested pricing improvement that is related to theory and makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective  
Q.4(b)(ii) 0-1 marks 2-3 marks 4 marks 5 marks Mark
2nd pricing tactic improvement Pricing improvement may or may not be suggested. Little or no justification for the choice of tactic. Some attempt to justify the suggested pricing tactic. This may not be grounded in theory, or does not argue why the tactic will be effective A good justification of suggested pricing improvement that is related to theory and/or makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective Excellent justification of suggested pricing improvement that is related to theory and makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective  
Q.5(a)(i) <1 mark 1 mark 1.5 marks 2 marks Mark
Evaluation of distribution tactics – target market Little or no attempt to evaluate distribution tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market Attempt made to evaluate distribution tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market. May lack relevance or conclusion may not be reached Good evaluation of distribution tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market. Conclusion may not be reached Excellent and comprehensive evaluation of distribution tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market. Conclusion reached  



Q.5(a)(ii) <1 mark 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks Mark
Evaluation of distribution tactics – objectives and strategy Little or no attempt to evaluate distribution tactics vis-à-vis objectives and strategy Attempt made to evaluate distribution tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to objectives and strategy. May lack relevance or conclusion may not be reached Good evaluation of distribution tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to objectives and strategy Conclusion may not be reached Excellent and comprehensive evaluation of distribution tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to objectives and strategy. Conclusion reached  
Q.5(b)(i) 0-1 marks 2-3 marks 4 marks 5 marks Mark
1st distribution tactic improvement Distribution improvement may or may not be suggested. Little or no justification for the choice of tactic. Some attempt to justify the suggested distribution tactic. This may not be grounded in theory, or does not argue why the tactic will be effective A good justification of suggested distribution improvement that is related to theory and/or makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective Excellent justification of suggested distribution improvement that is related to theory and makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective  
Q.5(b)(ii) 0-1 marks 2-3 marks 4 marks 5 marks Mark
2nd distribution tactic improvement Distribution improvement may or may not be suggested. Little or no justification for the choice of tactic. Some attempt to justify the suggested distribution tactic. This may not be grounded in theory, or does not argue why the tactic will be effective A good justification of suggested distribution improvement that is related to theory and/or makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective Excellent justification of suggested distribution improvement that is related to theory and makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective  
Q.6(a)(i) <1 mark 1 mark 1.5 marks 2 marks Mark
Evaluation of promotion tactics – target market Little or no attempt to evaluate promotion tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market Attempt made to evaluate promotion tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market. May lack relevance or conclusion may not be reached Good evaluation of promotion tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market. Conclusion may not be reached Excellent and comprehensive evaluation of promotion tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to target market. Conclusion reached  
Q.6(a)(ii) <1 mark 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks Mark
Evaluation of promotion tactics – objectives and strategy Little or no attempt to evaluate promotion tactics vis-à-vis objectives and strategy Attempt made to evaluate promotion tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to objectives and strategy. May lack relevance or conclusion may not be reached Good evaluation of promotion tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to objectives and strategy Conclusion may not be reached Excellent and comprehensive evaluation of promotion tactics vis-à-vis attractiveness to objectives and strategy. Conclusion reached  



Q.6(b)(i) 0-1 marks 2-3 marks 4 marks 5 marks Mark
1st promotion tactic improvement Promotion improvement may or may not be suggested. Little or no justification for the choice of tactic. Some attempt to justify the suggested promotion tactic. This may not be grounded in theory, or does not argue why the tactic will be effective A good justification of suggested promotion improvement that is related to theory and/or makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective Excellent justification of suggested promotion improvement that is related to theory and makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective  
Q.6(b)(ii) 0-1 marks 2-3 marks 4 marks 5 marks Mark
2nd promotion tactic improvement Promotion improvement may or may not be suggested. Little or no justification for the choice of tactic. Some attempt to justify the suggested promotion tactic. This may not be grounded in theory, or does not argue why the tactic will be effective A good justification of suggested promotion improvement that is related to theory and/or makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective Excellent justification of suggested promotion improvement that is related to theory and makes a strong case that the tactic will be effective  
¿ Presentation 0-1 marks 2-3 marks 4-5 marks 6 marks Mark
Report Minimal of the following:

Appropriate layout

Correct grammar

Correct spelling

Within word limit

Correct in line APA referencing

Sources accurately set out in reference list according to APA rules 6th edition

Some of the following:

Appropriate layout

Correct grammar

Correct spelling

Within word limit

Correct in line APA referencing

Sources accurately set out in reference list according to APA rules 6th edition

Most of the following:

Appropriate layout

Correct grammar

Correct spelling

Within word limit

Correct in line APA referencing

Sources accurately set out in reference list according to APA rules 6th edition

All of the following:

Appropriate layout

Correct grammar

Correct spelling

Within word limit

Correct in line APA referencing

Sources accurately set out in reference list according to APA rules 6th edition

  Mark        /100  





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