M5D1: Change Management Models Image of a crossroads sign, with the main arrow pointing toward a solution directionModels are helpful to guide organizations and managers through the arduous process of change where the outcome is uncertain and the path is complex and laden with barriers. Choosing the right model can be as important as the result you are trying to achieve. This discussion allows you to better understand some of the criteria that should be considered when choosing the right change management model. One of the more difficult actions involving change is selecting the right change management model to guide your actions and processes. Considering this, respond to the following: • Present the criteria/factors you would review to determine a preferred change management model to use in a given situation. Post your primary response. Read any postings already provided by your instructor or fellow students Remember to read the feedback to your own major postings and reply to it throughout the module. Each post should be 100–150 words and written in your own words. All quoted text must be cited using APA format (6th edition). See the Course Calendar for due dates for posts and responses. Compose your work using a word processor and save it, as a Plain Text or an .rtf, to your computer. When you’re ready to make your initial posting, please click on the “Create Thread” button and copy/paste the text from your document into the message field. Be sure to check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before you post it. Evaluation Criteria Review the SBT Discussion Rubric located in the “Start Here” section of the course for more information on grading criteria. Together, all discussions comprise 20% of the total course grade.

M5D1: Change Management Models

Present the criteria/factors you would review to determine a preferred change management model to use in a given situation.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Change Management Model

A change management model is an approach used in an organization to address people and organization’s factors. In turn, provide a catalyst to change effectively in the whole process. The choice of an efficient change model is an important entity to ensure successful implementation and realization of the expected goals and objectives.

Therefore, it requires an assessment of certain factors to ensure the success of the whole process of implementing change. These factors include assessing the organization’s readiness to implement any particular change model successfully. This is whereby, an organization determines its available resources to support the implementation of a change model succinct to the organization’s goals and objectives (Weiner, 2009). The financial, human resources, experts, effective leadership, vision, and competitive allies to manage the environment factors are essential features in determining the choice of change model. The organization must carefully assess these factors to ensure the readiness capacity before initiating the process.

A change model is a critical entity in an organization that requires being managing or end up managing you – the management. Such factors as diagnosing resistance, corporate culture, communication, and awareness, assessing possible challenges, and alternative solutions are all crucial factors to determine the change model an organization choose (Voehl & Harrington, 2016). This induces a favorable change venture that an organization is well prepared for and provide the necessary tools in pursuit of the change model. The model gives the organization an upper hand in managing the process. Hence, guarantee efficiency and productivity of employees working together to achieve the expected goals and objectives.



Voehl, F., & Harrington, H. J. (2016). Change Management: Manage the Change or It Will Manage You (Vol. 6). CRC Press.

Weiner, B. J. (2009). A theory of organizational readiness for change. Implementation science, 4(1), 67.


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